Tuesday, January 11, 2022

My Superstar Type Teams in Pokémon Shuffle

At this point, Pokémon Shuffle players may be considered to be in the minority, and since I still play, I'm part of that minority. One of the reasons I still play is that I've been able to devise a few teams of a single type of Pokémon that work well in various situations and are powerful to boot. Some of the team compositions might be already well-known by others in some ways, but I consider myself to have some privilege of calling them "mine" because I've made the effort to develop them for myself, and I feel they could be shared.

Fighting-type Pokémon comprise my first assortment for a team. The members are composed of Lucario, Buzzwole, Meloetta Pirouette, and Bewear. All of them possess skills that are rather supreme - Lucario with Pummel, Buzzwole with Demolish, Meloetta Pirouette with Nosedive, and Bewear with Power Hug - which when activated cause a great deal of damage alongside the others. Even Pummel outputs more damage in combination, and Power Hug causes a stun. All together, the four Fighting-type Pokémon can achieve stunning results against Pokémon that are weak to them and may even make itemless runs possible.

Then, I also have a team of Ghost-type Pokémon. This is made up of Gengar, Lunala, Mimikyu, and Marshadow. The last one of these is actually not needed, as this is a team that works well for Competitive Stages with Mega-Evolved Pokémon that are weak to these types, often with the last Pokémon being voided by a Complexity -1. What makes the team work so well is that Mega Gengar (when it does Mega Evolve) eliminates all instances of itself, while Lunala with its Phantom Combo amplifies damage by the other two and Mimikyu inflicts a Spooked state with its Spookify+, creating even more damage. This has become rather invariable for the situations of concern and have allowed me to earn more items off a Competitive Stage.

One last set involves a type that burns within my heart, as the Fire type. For this, the team is made up of primarily Charizard, Typhlosion, Ninetales, and Delphox. I say "primarily" because I have a few other Fire-type Pokémon with different skills that can be substituted, most likely for Typhlosion (which has Rock Shot) - for example Reshiram with Barrier Bash or Ho-Oh with Pyre - in order to suit certain stages or certain intended purposes. As this team has a great degree of variability, I have to do a bit more work to adjust the team, which would be necessary to make sure the team is successful in battle.

Because of their versatility and power, it's not hard to see why I deem them as "superstar" teams; they can do what they need to do, and do it well. They were also created after much experimentation by myself as well as other players before I also personally established ways for their usage across the stages of Pokémon Shuffle. Much has gone on in the game to allow me to do that, even if it may be considered a minority now; still, these teams can hold major power for those still playing and need good teams.

Two years ago: Faults in Some Stars

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