Friday, January 11, 2019

Pokédex Texts and Information

The other day, a friend who likes Pokémon to some extent and I were talking about how certain species of Pokémon could be perceived differently among people. The issue that was brought up was similar to a question raised last year about what animal a specific Pokémon resembles. I reasoned that to pin things down, there would have to be a certain unity in the information provided about Pokémon. This certainly relates to the all-important source of information about them, the Pokédex.

In a different post, I've already discussed how certain games may have different Pokédexes based on their organization. This seems to extend to the texts that explain how Pokémon look and behave. One text may explain one set of characteristics of a particular Pokémon, while another may explain a different set of characteristics. To some extent, this is respectable, as the limited space for the texts doesn't permit every single characteristic to be explained. And yet, there is a sense that the texts have to be harmonious somehow.

Some characteristics are already standard and well-known, like types as well as heights and weights, and these have to be referenced or alluded in some way. A characteristic that is standard but perhaps not as well-known is the species identifiers of Pokémon, something that I and others were made aware when we were quizzed on it during a particular figure gathering. This could be something that is more often referenced and be made more well-known. Beyond that, other characteristics can be indexed so that information on Pokémon don't conflict with what is already known, even though some ambiguity might still remain.

It would be impossible to expect that every single Pokédex would contain every single piece of information related to Pokémon, but at least some of the pieces of information and their texts could gracefully indicate what is already definitely known about specific Pokémon, even with a minor allusion. The rest would be up to everyone else to extrapolate... and at least, that task would be easier and less prone to differences in perception, as I and my friend discovered back then. Hopefully we can "remain on the same page" about things that relate to certain Pokémon species.

One year ago: A Song for the Lonely, et Cetera
Two years ago: My Path Through the Main Series

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