Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Song for the Lonely, et Cetera

This is a song - for the lonely
Can you hear me tonight?
For the broken-hearted, battle-scarred
I'll be by your side
And this is a song - for the lonely
When your dreams won't come true
Can you hear this prayer?
'Cause someone's there for you
-- "Song for the Lonely", Cher

While on the "raid ride" that I participated in on Tuesday, I carried my 3DS to pass the time while I could not be as active in the game. Unfortunately, as I progressed, I hit something and so did my 3DS. Although the damage was minor and my 3DS could still function, it was still somewhat unfortunate, considering that this 3DS has had its share of troubles. That was what in part led me to think of this song... and it leads me to think about Pokémon as well.

The key word is of course "battle", present in the chorus, which I've quoted above. It is pretty hard not to talk about battles when it comes to Pokémon, at least in most cases. Specifically, my 3DS has been with me through many Pokémon battles, in the main series or otherwise. It has its own "battle scars", most recently the ones that occurred on Tuesday. Yet with all that, it still functions for me; I'm glad that this is the case, and I'm glad that it's always been by my side, as an echo of the chorus. Here's hoping that my 3DS survives for as long as it can.

As for the song itself, it is uplifting no matter what state of affairs things are in. Back on Tuesday, it was that I never found raid companions until that point, and when I succeeded with Porygon and Groudon, my spirits were lifted, almost following the words of the song. I was elated, and that's when the song came to my mind. Now looking at the state of affairs of other Pokémon things, I'm inspired to be uplifted by recalling this song. I even envision the characters of the Pokémon anime (which despite differences are still very much linked to the games) coming together and singing this song, almost like the music video for this very song.

This is such a good song, and becomes an even better song when Pokémon becomes considered. There's a lot of success to be made with Pokémon, and certainly just as many if not more failures. But through them all, there's something to be said for maintaining high spirits. I'm certain that that's what I'll need for upcoming Pokémon things, whether they be in the main series, or in games like Go as what transpired earlier. At the least, I'm not as lonely now.

One year ago: My Path Through the Main Series

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