Saturday, January 11, 2020

Faults in Some Stars

A week ago, I noted that something big related to Pokémon is going to happen. No, it isn't the Pokémon Direct from two days ago, even though that does qualify as something big. That "something big" is due to happen tomorrow, and I won't be able to take part in it for a few reasons. And the same is apparently true for a certain star that also wanted in but couldn't. It is as if there are some "faults in some stars" that hinder participation.

From what I've been told, although that star is well-known for Pokémon endeavors, the star becomes too famous for it. Instead, the star becomes famous for the "back-end" rather than the "front-end" of those endeavors. Accordingly, the star instead becomes classified as a "third party" in the same vein as the above post and was effectively barred from participation. And though the "back-end" party has indicated a certain "blessing" for it as the "front-end" , the star remains in a difficult place, apparently. It does seem like that presents a kind of "fault".

Meanwhile, I myself seem to have presented my own "faults" around the time something similarly big and related to Pokémon was held. It happened the day prior to it, and then something else happened the following day. As for that day, it was still overall great, but then I did present some other "faults" during the course of that happening. Being that I consider myself in part a "star", I'd rather minimize such happenings, though it may not be all, given that I'm imperfect and always will be. In part due to the "faults", however, I therefore chose to restrict myself this time around.

And as for that something big, it does involve a Pokémon facet that could be considered to be a "star" of its own kind. Yet it too seems to have its own "faults" every so often. Sometimes the "faults" may be insignificant to affect things, but other times they may become too serious. Despite this, many still consider its "star" quality as acceptable; this is evident for tomorrow's big thing, with around 500 people already expressing interest, though it could stand to be more with the right circumstances, especially with me in the picture.

All these are "stars" of their own kind, but they all seem to have their own "faults" as well. That might seemingly pose as a problem for something as big as tomorrow's happening, but then it might not. I suppose it may be sufficient for some people to overlook these "faults" and let the "stars" shine as they are. To that end, what will shine tomorrow remains to be seen, so there is that to watch for.

In the meantime, I need and want to make some things shine right now.

One year ago: Pokédex Texts and Information
Two years ago: A Song for the Lonely, et Cetera
Three years ago: My Path Through the Main Series

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