Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hoppip New Year 2022

Hoppip New Year. It's been another year, and this blog now moves into its sixth year. Somewhat unfortunately, the same is also true of current conditions. But if the experience of the past two years is of any indication, my persistent spirit in blogging about Pokémon can be maintained, and that's a great thing. Pokémon particularly moves on regardless, and I can and have to do that as well, while still making a chronicle of whatever I'm involved in or with Pokémon every step of the way.

With the big 25th Pokémon anniversary being about to pass into the 26th, this year might just look like a typical year with Pokémon, except with current conditions still persisting. Usual Pokémon things will happen (or not, unless circumstances allow them to happen) and I still want to get in on them whenever possible, which would then serve well for posts to be written on this blog about them. In fact, I have to say that some of them did happen recently, but I couldn't get into them due to the end-of-year rush. They will regardless be soon present in posts as I get to writing them.

Still on the topic of social media efforts, there's actually one effort that I've undertaken at the end of last year, but back then it wasn't quite ready for prime time (for that matter, even now), at least by my own considerations. However, at this point, with it being the new year and all, I feel that it can move forward, and I'll definitely post about it in due time. It already even has links to this blog affixed to it, so it can be assured that it's relevant to me, this blog, and of course Pokémon. The "prime time" term above should be a big clue; one should watch for it.

As usual, it's also time for a "Hoppip Report" at the beginning of the year. Last year, I hinted that I've always been capturing Shadow Hoppip, but I've never found one with stats that I would consider keeping. Early last year, I then found such a Hoppip:

This one is pretty good, especially if it were to be Purified, which would add two points to each stat that isn't maximized. Yet, it would also rob me of the only Shadow Hoppip that I have. If a better one came along, I'd really make the consideration for the one above to become Purified, but that's when that happens. In the meantime, I'm still seeking Hoppip of varied stats that may be usable for various purposes.

Certainly, there is also the ever-growing list of posts from previous years below each post, including this one. Ideally, that ought to show the variety and conformity that I have in writing posts on this blog. That likewise applies to my Pokémon experiences as well: it has its share of variety and conformity in different ways. Both of these should be as impressive as the extent of time I've dedicated to writing posts on this blog and Pokémon in general.

One year ago: Hoppip New Year 2021
Two years ago: Hoppip New Year 2020
Three years ago: Hoppip New Year 2019
Four years ago: Hoppip New Year 2018
Five years ago: First Post Time!

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