Friday, December 31, 2021

Five Years - Extended Healing

It may be considered somewhat unbelievable. This post marks a full five years that I've written on this blog, and that means each day I've presented something about Pokémon and perhaps about my daily life along with that. It also means that I've made over 1800 posts over that time period - something that is definitely not a small number. And it's been done for a variety of topics under a variety of conditions, showing how Pokémon has been a major involvement, influence, and experience. I would say that is very significant.

As is the norm for the end of the year, I'd like to draw comparisons to Pokémon concepts to illustrate how this year had progressed. Last year (see below), the comparison was to the concepts of damage and healing, since it was the start of the global downturn to current conditions. And, well... it's still going on, with things being not much better, though it couldn't be said to be much worse either (yet - heaven forbid). Therefore, the concept I've taken is "extended healing", the kind that occurs when one is, for example, far removed from Pokémon Centers but is facilitated by either supplies or conditions, or even both.

The things that would make up those supplies would be the general assortment of Potions and Revives that one has (or ideally should have) in possession. Some Pokémon happenings of this year may be construed to be representative of consuming those items. The little bits of the big 25th Pokémon anniversary are like Potions and Super Potions that restore excitement in Pokémon gradually, while events like Pokémon Go Tour and Pokémon Go Fest are like Hyper Potions and Max Potions that really bring excitement, no matter how they are subdued currently. Then, new games like Pokémon Unite and the Sinnoh remakes would be the Revives, for just when it seems that one can't seem to battle further. Even so, perhaps the Max Revive is still to come, whenever and whatever that will be.

When it comes to "extended healing", it is known that in the Pokémon world, this can be done naturally. This would occur, certainly, through Berries, of which the Oran Berry and Sitrus Berry are two of them. As it stands, the few chances that I've been able to "send Ash" again, the few tournaments that I could join, and the few items of merchandise I've been able to obtain this year pretty much represent this. Between the Potions and Revives, at least they are sufficiently satisfying to help myself heal, though the Potions and Revives are eventually still necessary for more thorough healing.

Still, what may be best for healing is a good (long) rest, as has been depicted in the main series games, accomplishing much of the same purposes. The absence of the many previous ways to enjoy Pokémon due to the current conditions may be considered that long rest, and the expectation may be that after the rest, the previous vivacity of Pokémon activities will return, and will perhaps be even better than before.

The world - including the Pokémon part of it - may seem like it's far away from being fully healed and restored to good health, as is commonly noted in Pokémon parlance. At least, the healing progression continues, and my blog and I are part of that. For how much longer this will be, no one may know for sure, but I'm certain things will become evident, especially here.

Cheers for continuing to make strides and continuing to heal. 💪

Three years ago: Two Years of Evolution
Four years ago:  One Year Full of Pokémon

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