Monday, December 6, 2021

Creatures of the Land

Besides water as in the sea, the land is another element that supports life. For many creatures, including people, it is in fact the venue of life, without which they cannot live elsewhere. Predictably, as creatures that are based on real-life counterparts and even beyond, some Pokémon - according to their lore - abide by the land, sustaining themselves and even others by the way they do so. It's a fascinating way that things happen, and it's something to be touched on.

Two Pokémon are known for their relationship to making the land, well, what it is. Groudon is the most salient in this regard, being the antithesis of Kyogre in making more land for itself and all other land-dwelling Pokémon. Even if it's just a legend, such a role would undoubtedly be important in making the world what it is today. Meanwhile, Torterra could be considered to be an offshoot of this legend, with itself having a back on which small Pokémon can live - sometimes for all their lives without realizing it. The depiction in the Detective Pikachu movie could be considered a stretch given its typical size, but it does fit the lore somewhat well, especially if it happens to be large enough.

As well, there is a certain family of Pokémon whose species might seem to destroy the land but are in fact beneficial in some ways. They would be the burrowing family of Diglett and Dugtrio, both in their Kanto and Alolan forms. Like the moles that they are, they burrow through land as part of their lives, with the Alolan forms doing so through even tougher soil, making them hard as steel. In doing so, they achieve something else: they turn over the soil like a plow, and as farmers can attest, this makes the soil in the land fertile for growing different crops like vegetables. They're still voracious for what they are, being moles, but their beneficial effects are almost wondrous.

What is no wonder is that land is and will still always be the environmental element that sustains life for many creatures in real life as well as in the world of Pokémon. For the latter, it seems amazing that there are ones that involve themselves in the dynamics of the land and/or support not only themselves but also other forms of life. Even as a lore, it cannot be denied that the way they are is valuable to many kinds of life, including themselves, and that's something to ponder as life goes on.

Two years ago: Time of Posting
Four years ago: Watching and Re-Watching

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