Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Plus One, and...

Since it's almost the end of the year, I thought I'd take the time to reflect on my blogging and Pokémon journey over this past year in a partially objective and partially subjective manner. That could (and would) be accomplished to some degree through the "yearly themes" that I establish according to certain considerations, for which I had established this year's within a week after the start of the new year. The theme this year suggested that some things might get added on or continued - not the least of which is current conditions that have persisted since the previous year - and some of those things did include Pokémon things. 

Of things that could certainly be added on, one of them would be age, as in years, and this year the "plus one" clicked to make Pokémon reach the age of 25. That has been veritable regardless of the state that the world is in, as it has transpired as if current conditions didn't exist. Looking at the road to and of the anniversary, it may be considered a string of "plus ones" for all aspects of Pokémon, not just that of age. That seems to be a good counterpoint to last year, when there was a spate of "plus zeroes" instead. Though it may be that more "plus ones" could occur without the current conditions, they also wouldn't be discussed as such.

Perhaps a big "plus one" this year is the appearance of Pokémon Unite, the MOBA game with a Pokémon flavor. This too has led to a number of "plus ones" among fans, especially because of its crossplay capability. It also certainly fits current competitive gaming trends and can serve to become a "plus one" for those venues, including the one that belongs to Pokémon... and so it seems that way. It has been reported recently that the "pantheon" just expanded to include Unite directly for a 16-team tournament with prior qualification. This is indeed a big "plus one" with benefits all around, which very much includes to Pokémon itself.

As for myself, there have been a few "plus ones" that I've been considering in order to get across what I would like to say to others. This includes a few additions and improvements to this blog to make that process better, some of which I've already revealed but still need to execute, and still others that I haven't yet revealed and are waiting for the right time - likely when the year turns over and the circumstances present themselves appropriately. It should be admitted that this is a usual process, but the "plus ones" are distinct this time around in light of the "yearly theme".

In the "yearly theme" post, I noted that the theme was based on an element of continuation in a different kind of game. If this year has proven anything, the continuation has been evident for Pokémon or otherwise, and furthermore for and by this blog. In that sense, the "yearly theme" has been fulfilled, further if it hadn't been already. What will or will not continue in the following year remains to be seen and can only be seen as the transition occurs toward that. In any case, this year still has a couple of days left in it, and I can stand to make a few more "plus ones" with the remaining time of the year, no less with Pokémon.

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