Saturday, December 25, 2021

Keeping the (Pokémon) Christmas Spirit

So, today is Christmas. It is a time of merriment in many cases, even with current conditions still prevailing for the second year in a row, which is a situation that may suggest its own difficulties. And... it seems I've been beset by my own difficulties, Pokémon or otherwise, over the previous evening into the moment of writing this post. Either of these may detract from the "Christmas spirit" - which may potentially involve Pokémon (especially thanks to its Christmas album) - and present a struggle to keep it as great as possible.

As I've discussed in my first Christmas post years ago (see below), I've had the fondest memories of Christmas where Pokémon was involved. Though Christmas was back then - and still is now - a fantasy that at least serves as a wrapper (also see below), past happenings have been able to let me perceive the Christmas spirit. I know for certain that the spirit has to involve good will in some form, and that's a major point to this day, let alone all other days when it isn't, which is a good thing no matter what.

To some extent and to be honest, I feel slightly frustrated and sad that my good will wasn't received in its intended fashion. Since today is Christmas, this hits a little harder. But then I'm reminded that today has to be more merry somehow, so I have to move on rather quickly. It reminds me of a song, by one of my favorite artists no less, that I've recently listened to again and now feel that it is significant for this time, though with a slight modification of lyrics considering the present time:

When tears are in your eyes
It's time to look inside
Your heart can find another way
Believe in what I say
Don't throw this time away
Tomorrow will be (Today is now) Christmas Day 
-- "The Spirit of Christmas Past", Enya (slightly modified)

Coincidentally, I'm currently engaged in a Pokémon happening where the above words to the song may fit in, with another replacement: "Tomorrow is another day", to make it suitable for general happenings like that one. And so it seems that I - and those in the related Pokémon happening - will have to keep our head held up and have faith that our good will can be channeled in another manner, not just on this day but also in the days to come. That, I sense, might be the way to maintain the spirit of the day when all else fails.

I suppose that in Pokémon and Christmas fantasy or reality, there is always the place for good will. The key would be finding that place and thus keeping the spirits.

Merry Christmas. May the spirits of the day remain with whatever is involved. 🎄

Four years ago: Merry Christmas!

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