Saturday, December 18, 2021

Let's Talk About Making Teams Work

Me: I have some Pokémon business today that I can't really write up a discussion until tomorrow at best, so in the meantime, I figure we can have a "Let's Talk".

Ash: I'm up for that. I'm sure you have something neat that we can talk about together.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["Should be neat!"]

Me: OK, so I want to talk about teamwork and how that works out with Pokémon. In many cases, Pokémon is an individual thing - often it's just one Trainer with one Pokémon against others in similar fashion. But it can and does work for team play in some cases. I'm sure you already know what I'm talking about.

Ash: I know! There's something called a Double Battle with two Pokémon on each side. I've had my share of that, and you really need both Pokémon to work together. If that doesn't happen, it's not going to be good.

Me: Indeed, they have to cooperate - very well, might I add. A special case of this is the Multi Battle, where four Trainers in two pairs put in one Pokémon each and have a Double Battle. This too I'm sure you're familiar with.

Ash: Yeah, that one time I got paired up with Paul. That was a terrible time even if we did end up winning. It really looked like we couldn't get it together.

Pikachu: Pika, pika pika chu. ["My head hurts thinking about it."]

Me: I didn't enjoy watching much of it either, so we're pretty much in agreement. Now, when it comes to Double Battles, they're pretty common among my fellows and me. They are, in fact, the backbone of established Pokémon competitions.

Ash: I remember you sending me a few years ago with your team to try to compete in a tournament, but we didn't do so well.

Me: One of my fellows that hosted you told me that the team had to be modified, moments before the tournament. And that was the best team I had come up with ever; all other times it was even more haphazard.

Ash: So I guess that's why you like the fast Single Battle format of some other tournaments. But I'm told that has its own team competition too...?

Me: There is, but the challenge is finding people (Trainers) to fill in the team, which is easier said than done. And like the Pokémon of Double Battles, the team has to be coordinated in who does what, otherwise things fall apart.

Pikachu: Pi, pika chu pika! ["You don't want that!"]

Me: It's the worst thing that could happen.

Ash: That's also why I don't see you with a team of Trainers.

Me: No - if I was in a team by now, it would be because I either initiated the team, or the others wanted me as part of the team. Either way, coordination is important.

Ash: I hope you can join one in the future!

Me: Thanks, even if the hope is small. Now, I'm sure you also know by now that I've been somewhat enjoying a kind of Pokémon battle that involves many players and just as many Pokémon.

Ash: That one is extreme! Can you keep up with all the action?

Me: Mostly yes, sometimes no. And for this one, the team has to be absolutely even more coordinated and everyone needs to know what to do, or otherwise the battle is surely lost - which is what happens when I get bad teammates and we can't help each other because we can't communicate.

Ash: Looking at the battles, I think Pikachu can understand what to do, but then Pikachu would have to work together with the others too.

Pikachu: Pika, pi pika chu pika. ["I'm sure it can be done."]

Me: So whether it's a team of people or a team of Pokémon, the important thing is that one needs to know what one needs to do, and to make sure that the others know what the others need to do. If that can be done, then teamwork is not only achievable but also pleasant.

Ash: That sounds like us in these talks! I've always enjoyed doing them.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Me too!"]

Ash: And so does Pikachu. You could say we all work together for this.

Me: That has been the case in the few years we've had them. As they say, "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" - we'll continue to have more of these talks.

Ash: Pikachu and I can't wait!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yeah!"]

Me: That's teamwork for you.

Two years ago: A Cosplay Departure
Three years ago: Screenplay Writing
Four years ago: Good (Life)Times, Again

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