Thursday, December 30, 2021

...Is There Still Time?

How much more time is really there?
How much more time do we still have?
All the people shake their heads
All the people fall silent
All the people only say that they don't know
What is best for us right now
Is to kneel down to the ground
While we all know that for us, there is still time...
-- "Masih Ada Waktu (There's Still Time)", Ebiet G. Ade (semi-lyrical translation)

Toward the end the year, as usual, I have one song that - by my consideration - captures all the feelings of my and others' Pokémon (and blogging) journey over the course of this year. It's a bit of a somber and spiritually-evoking local song by a local artist, but the feelings may be regarded as universal no matter who one might be. With all that's happened in the world, for Pokémon or otherwise, one may wonder, is there really still time to take in everything of this world, including Pokémon, before moving to the next one? To that question, which is distilled as the title of this post, I thought of this song, which may provide the answer.

The overall message of this song is about being grateful for being alive when one doesn't know - or for that matter, no one knows - how long life lasts. This is true, especially in consideration of certain "tragedies" and being able to see the sun in the sky for another day, as mentioned in other parts of the song. There is then the opportunity to take in what can be gained from life before life itself is gone or at least transfers to what comes after. Perhaps, only "the ones in charge" or "the powers that be" really know where life is headed, and only they possess the records for life and all that exists.

As for what this has to do with the Pokémon journey of everyone as well as my blogging journey, it's obvious that life has presently taken its toll on the people and in particular fans of Pokémon. But at least the sun still shines for another day for those who continue to make strides in life, even in matters of Pokémon. For that much, one would still have to be grateful; all that is left to do would be to collect all the good takeaways from Pokémon and life in the hope that they may serve for the goodness of current life and beyond.

Admittedly, this song is probably better reserved for an occasion of thanks that had passed by just a month ago. Even so, the message of this song goes even deeper than just the mere expression of thanks; it involves and regards misfortunes that befall on life and the fortune of still having life, which for Pokémon fans would mean more chances to experience it and take away good things from it as life continues to progress. Given the misfortunes of the past two years, things may not be so far-fetched (Farfetch'd); therefore, the song really applies now.

So, the answer to the question posed in the post title above is "yes"; there is still time to take in everything in this world - including Pokémon - amidst all the current misfortunes of the world. The important thing is not to forget to be grateful for life itself and all that is present in it, as well as the time given to experience everything. With a little praise and appreciation, particularly for the latter, everything may just be sufficiently worthwhile.

One year ago: Return to Believe
Two years ago: (Extra-)Ordinary Days
Three years ago: One Day, in Life
Four years ago: When I See You Again

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