Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Buying Games Ahead of Playing?

For diehard fans of game series like Pokémon, which obviously includes fans like me, they may buy the games in a timely manner in relation to when they'll play them. They're likely to purchase the games just as they intend to play them, or when they are on the brink of or feel they have reasonably achieved completion of their tasks in other games. But what about buying the games way ahead of when someone expects to be (or become) able to play the games? That extraordinary situation may deserve at least a bit of a discussion.

It may be that the situation is wholly unintended. For example, someone buys a Pokémon game with the intent to play it right away or shortly after, but then affairs of life and/or other Pokémon games take over, much like how my completion of some older main series games got delayed by those same affairs. Then again, the situation may be fully intended, as in buying a Pokémon game even without the necessary means to play it - which in other words often means buying the game although one does not possess the console. This latter situation may be considered the oddest thing ever, but it's been known to happen.

One of my friends had actually done the latter. During the height of the 3DS years, my friend had not actually possessed a 3DS, but then that friend of mine went right ahead and bought one of the versions of the Hoenn remakes when it was released. It took a while for that friend of mine to be able to obtain a 3DS at long last and be able to play the game that had been bought, which I'm sure was a blessing when that time came. It's a position that I can understand if I were in my friend's shoes back then.

As a matter of fact, I have actually committed this action: I've bought a Nintendo Switch game - certainly, a Pokémon game - without possession of the console. And it hasn't been a recent occurrence; it had happened a little over a year ago. Now, I have to say that I'm debating whether or not to commit to the same action again for a different game, which would put me in the same situation as my friend but twice over.

Diehard fans, of Pokémon included, seem to have their ways about things that they are a fan of. In the case of games specifically, it might mean buying and playing them expectedly and timely... or unexpectedly buying them and becoming untimely in playing them. Whichever way things go, it still makes sense for them to be called "fans" for their devotion in committing one or the other. And they'll still likely have their work cut out for the game they choose to buy and play, whether sooner or later.

Two years ago: Putting Things on Hold

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