Thursday, December 9, 2021

Casting Out Porygon

Every Pokémon species has its place, whether in the clutches of a Trainer or to liven up the wild environment. The only ones that seem out of place are Porygon and its family, being present in the games (at least in some form) but seemingly nowhere else. In that regard, it seems that it's a great oddity. However, considering the circumstances that surround them, the situation might be considered understandable - and that situation seems to "cast out" Porygon and its kin.

Any discussion about Porygon always becomes an adjunct to the "incident", which is important to be sure, but I'll spare this specific discussion for a later occasion. What is important from that "incident" is that it becomes a characterization of the nature of the species and its kin: it remains a virtual oddity (as in the electronic sense) among all other Pokémon that are more or less realistic, as real as the Pokémon world is a reflection of the real world.

By that fact alone, they are the "odd ones out" in the realism of Pokémon, further as the virtual characteristic is often identified with something else. Thanks to the "incident", the first member of the species family also has gotten a bad rap, and this is effectively extended to the rest of the family. With the state of affairs having gotten so regrettably bad from back then, they're also made out to be "outcasts" despite still properly being Pokémon like any other species.

It's certain that no one wants to be reminded of bad times, and Porygon has had its bad time that nothing can cover it up, except by letting things slide and moving away from it, which leads to it pretty much being casted out. The realism that Pokémon presents today also doesn't appear to leave much room for the virtual aspect of Porygon and its kin.

For the consideration that every Pokémon species has its place, it may be that for Porygon and its species family, their place is the nether realm that separates the reality of the Pokémon world and the real world. At least, even with them having been effectively casted out in form, they still remain Pokémon, and that's something that cannot be casted out.

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