Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Quickies: Letting the Charcoal Burn

Charcoal is a well-known material that can be burned in order to give off heat. The resulting heat can then be used to do different things, including to cook food. Charcoal is also the name of a held item in the main series of Pokémon games with its own dazzling heat effect when given to certain Pokémon that can utilize the held item. Over the various games, it has also dazzled my mind and has become something that sticks out easily in my mind.

The held item increases the power of Fire-type moves for the Pokémon that holds it. The real beneficiary of this item are Fire-type Pokémon, but those that aren't of this type but know Fire-type moves may be benefited in some ways and in certain circumstances as well. It is truly an item with dazzling properties, particularly as it brings heat to Fire types and/or those that can make use of moves of this type.

According to lore, though, the same Charcoal that lends power to Fire-type moves can be used just like actual (real-life) charcoal, as something to burn for the purpose of heating, as for cooking. Food that is cooked with the aid of charcoal has been reputed to have certain pleasant qualities among them, which could explain why some people would go out of their way to make and obtain charcoal - in both the real and Pokémon world.

I've dealt with charcoal in the real form and Charcoal in the Pokémon world form, and I'd say a lot of things about both are substantiated. There's a certain wonderfulness about burning the real thing that lends itself to the things that it heats, and there's a certain power that it gives for Pokémon (with moves) of the Fire type. It may be that one may just have to let the charcoal burn and have it lend desirability and power to the things that it heats up or even powers up.

Two years ago: Timeless and Forever
Four years ago: The Shops of Shuffle

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