Saturday, December 4, 2021

Forgotten Parts of Games?

Earlier today, I had a logjam of things to do, and in that logjam was a couple of Pokémon things. Interestingly, however, one of those Pokémon things involved a particular Pokémon facet for which my recollection has become fainter, both in execution and experience. It necessitated me to review a guide for information about the facet, and the action of me doing so shed light that my execution and experience was as such, effectively making me question whether I had dealt with it or had forgotten to do so, making it a (possibly) forgotten part.

Pokémon games, especially the main series ones, have always been complex wonders, even the very first ones. There have been stories about forgotten Trainer battles, forgotten areas to explore, even forgotten Pokémon to catch - with the last of these possibly having a relation to the circumstance above, and the others having been mentioned by others. In short, forgotten parts or things are seemingly inevitable, especially if one is progressing without the aid of guides and such, and they may be considered regular occurrences.

And then there are modern games like Pokémon Go that may possibly have many things to do in a single day, especially during events like Community Day. The potential for forgotten parts or things is compounded in this case; for instance, there have been times where pictures have been forgotten to be taken to get the featured Pokémon to appear. And when one does not have much time to play, something as basic as spinning a PokéStop might become a forgotten thing or part, lost in the logjam of things...

...which brings me back to my earlier logjam, in which I seem to have forgotten another thing, which I didn't realize until late, besides the seemingly forgotten Pokémon part. At least, the seemingly forgotten part wasn't completely forgotten due to having had some recall of some of the key things. It may be that one of the struggles of playing the Pokémon games is remembering the things that one need to do and remembering how to do them, in the hopes that they may not be forgotten in the now and possible future.

Two years ago: Off We Go... to Galar!
Three years ago: A Sewaddle Keychain
Four years ago: In and Out of Poké Balls

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