Friday, December 3, 2021

For Points and Performance

In Pokémon Unite, its ranked play system has a fascinating mechanism. That mechanism is called Performance Points: after every Ranked match, points are earned according to certain circumstances. Meanwhile, the mechanism itself has earned some criticism from certain players for the assistance that it provides, making rank progression perhaps too easy. It may be helpful to discuss its quirks in order to put things into perspective, both in and out of the game.

On one hand, it can be seen how the mechanism makes things easy. Win or lose (in most circumstances anyway), points are still earned, and when a gauge for them is filled, they give an extra medal, the equivalent of winning a Ranked match. For those who have no trouble winning many matches in a row and do that consistently to get up to the higher ranks, the presence of Performance Points could make things too easy. But for those who may not be able to do the same, the points might be helpful in their assistance.

Some (including me) have experienced the pain of one or more losses in a row due to unforeseen or unexpected circumstances, and Performance Points can be helpful in these situations. The full gauge can give back a medal that was lost due to a loss, and in exchange for a significant portion of a filled gauge, it can prevent a rank demotion - two situations that have in fact happened to myself. At the very least, the points should be able to lessen the stress of specific Ranked match happenings.

I in fact play another game (not so much nowadays) with a different rank progression system that is purely based on points, and the results of the game are dependent on luck just as much as, if not more than, skill. The experience would be comparable to Unite without Performance Points, and I would think an assistive mechanism like Performance Points would help for that other game just as much as Performance Points have helped in Unite. From this outside view, it seems Performance Points have at least some good things.

Criticism regarding Performance Points is not likely to go away at any point, especially toward the degree of assistance that it provides. In any case, the mechanism is intended to be helpful, and it is, if the experiences of others (possibly) and mine have something to say about it. As part of the grand system of ranked play in Pokémon Unite, it may be quirky, but it may still be the enabler for many to not only succeed in the rankings but also show good performance for that.

Two years ago: For Want of an EX Raid
Four years ago: Fallen Comrades

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