Sunday, December 19, 2021

Pokémon Go Community Day Weekend, 12/18/2021 and 12/19/2021

As this is the month of December, there is always the recap edition for Community Day in Pokémon Go. If last year marked the start of radical changes due to current conditions in the world, this year effectively marked progression from those radical changes, which has been evident all throughout the editions of the event this year. That also has been encapsulated in the recap edition, which began yesterday and for the most part ended today.

The main part of the event began yesterday at 11 AM local time, when the featured Pokémon from this year's editions started to appear in the wild, with those from January to June (Machop, Roselia, Fletchling, Snivy, Swablu, and Gible) being more predominant yesterday and transitioning to those from July to November (Tepig, Eevee, Oshawott, Duskull, and Shinx) being more predominant today until their appearances ended at 5 PM. As with last year, Pokémon of the previous year appeared in Level 1 raids as well as 2 km Eggs, along with Budew as the baby form of Roselia. With the development of new norms, Trainers were free to take advantage of either Lure Modules and/or Incense to make the featured Pokémon appear to a greater extent.

During the usual event hours (11 AM to 5 PM), a slew of usual bonuses - double XP, double Stardust, halved Egg hatch distance - were in effect, and joining the party this time were the trade cost discount from last month as well as an extra Special Trade each day. Field Research, as expected, were of "Catch 3 Pokémon", and if one was lucky, one could find ones that reward Mega Energy for Charizard, Beedrill, Gengar, Gyarados, or Altaria, in lieu of them not appearing in Mega Raids currently. This time, Timed Research provided one of each featured Pokémon from last year and this year with bonus Stardust and XP at the end, while the paid Special Research provided a number of helpful items, including Elite TMs, one of each kind. Because of the multitudinous nature of the evolved forms of Eevee, the move window is also extended for one day, ending more or less tomorrow.

Speaking of the move window, if last year the Pokémon from the 2018 editions got cut, this year those from the 2019 editions got cut, in respect to the possibility of obtaining their exclusive moves. This in effect establishes a paradigm in that the end-of-year edition for Community Day will "support" the editions from this year as it should, along with those of last year as a "legacy". It also means that Trainers have the rest of the move window for this year to obtain the exclusive moves from last year, after which the use of Elite TMs will be required. Meanwhile, those of this year may also be obtained next year, but one will certainly not wait that long if it can be gotten right now, especially if the Pokémon are available.

For myself, I became (or made myself) available on both days in different ways. Yesterday, one of my raid subgroups became available to meet, and many of us did end up meeting next to a local park. We captured, traded (mostly me with two Lucky Friends), and made the most of our day to buff up our Community Day stocks before we had to part. Today, I couldn't meet the same friends, but after a neighborhood tour, I did meet another friend who couldn't go anywhere, and we made the most of Community Day there, including taking advantage of trades primarily to buff up Candy XL stocks. In all, it was a productive use of the Community Day Weekend and a perfect closing for this year's run.

With that, the progression for this year's series of Community Day events in Pokémon Go is now more or less at an end. Yet, there's still much room for progression to continue in next year's series, as well as the progression to what could be a possibly more "normal" state of affairs. The latter hasn't quite happened due to progress and retrogress, but Pokémon and Pokémon Go move on regardless, for which this year's recap makes a nice statement with how it includes everything from this year and last year.

Four years ago: Nostalgic Returns

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