Friday, December 17, 2021

Pokémon Lectures?

If around one and a half years ago I discussed about the possibility of conferences involving Pokémon, this time I want to discuss lectures in the same fashion. Lectures can be considered related to conferences in that they involve focused discussions, but usually with single topics for an extended length of time, and the two activities often go hand in hand. Anyone who has been through college has effectively participated in class lectures, since that's what they are, more or less and wherever one gets educated. And that has implications for how the particular activity can involve Pokémon.

As is often the case, I was inspired to write the post about this topic based on a real happening. One of the other games that I play just literally held a lecture - true to the description above - on a significant topic related to the backstory (lore) of the game. It lasted a couple of hours with the presenters discussing a topic at length, including taking in audience questions and continuing the discussion with them. Further, it was not the first time; it was the second time after a rather successful and well-received first time with many participants in the audience. The event is likely to continue as a full-fledged series for the game.

Regarding the applicability of this to Pokémon, the games themselves can't really suitably allow this to happen within the games, as their focus is quite different, which would be on the action in the games. However, if an actual "lecture" were to take place, it could be done outside of the games and through various video streaming services that are available today. In fact, one of them - which is the popular YouTube - already has at least one channel that effectively packages Pokémon lore in a way that is similar to the lectures, except without the length and interactivity factors. Further, the most effective lectures would preferably deal with the actions in the games (such as breeding and teambuilding) rather than lore, and without question this is already present to a great extent. Either of these may be apt to be put in a "YouTube Pokémon Highlight", but that's for a later time.

Granted, Pokémon and its games have a much greater focus on action, so typically its lore takes a backseat. All the same, either one can and does facilitate some kind of lecture on their particulars to take place, even if the lecture isn't in the games themselves, something that isn't quite possible. Packaged in similar ways to any of the above, there's no reason that these lectures can be appealing and necessary, furthermore possible.

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