Monday, December 4, 2017

In and Out of Poké Balls

In the Pokémon anime, Pokémon are known for a peculiar behavior, to say the least. They seem to have their own way with Poké Balls, being able to exit and remain outside from them at their desire. Yet with this happening, the Pokémon remain as belonging to their respective Trainers; if a Poké Ball is thrown at them, and if they do not deflect or dodge the ball, the capture is at least denied. Regardless, this remains as a weirdness that only the anime can provide.

Incidences of self-exits from Poké Balls are neither unique to a Trainer nor one-time things. To name a few, these incidents have happened to Misty (Psyduck), Jessie (Wobbuffet), and even Ash himself (Oshawott). It is as if they know what went on in the situations where they exited and have decided to offer their aid or commentary (whatever it is that they exactly say). And in many cases, this boded well for them by either resolving the situation or at the least not making it a worse one.

Of course, when it comes to Pokémon that are outside of their Poké Balls, there are two in particular that are significant, for they (almost) never return to their balls, and their balls don't seem to exist, except for one in a particular case. They are, of course, Ash's Pikachu and Team Rocket's Meowth. In the case of the former, the reason for not returning is well-known - hating being in it - and can be considered to have been elucidated in a different journey, one that has been recently explored, and in which case has been shown to have its own Poké Ball. As for Team Rocket's Meowth, its details are sketchier, other than its beginnings in the team. It is almost similar to the Persian that Giovanni keeps with him.

In any case, this means that Pokémon do not have to be held captive in a Poké Ball to indicate that it belongs to someone, though by capturing them in a Poké Ball, the formality of the ownership is affirmed. Yet, it is a bit odd to think that such a capture vessel as a Poké Ball still allows this to happen. Given the bonds that they have with their human partners and the feelings they sense, this turns out to be a wonderful thing. And perhaps this may not so be peculiar at all.

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