Saturday, July 17, 2021

Pokémon Go Fest 2021, Day 1

OK, so today is (or was) the first day of the new global run of Pokémon Go Fest. As expected, most of today was all about the music with special things and certainly very special Pokémon. It was also all about catching Pokémon, with most of the Pokémon being in the wild and a few in raids. With that in mind, it is important to consider how everything was structured and what I gained out of today in particular.

From 10 AM to 6 PM today, there were four rotating habitats in play per hour: Cave, Jungle, Desert Mountain, and Ocean Beach, repeated once over the course of the eight hours. Each of these habitats had their own set of specific Pokémon that appeared while the habitats were in play. Meanwhile, other musical Pokémon including Audino and Kricketot, plus a special Pikachu wearing a music hat, appeared throughout the day, and still others including Unown F and G were attracted to Incense. Incense was normal, but Lure Modules were extended to three hours, and this was coupled with a half-distance hatching bonus; these bonuses will also appear tomorrow, though the Pokémon involved will not have a greater Shiny potential, which only occurred today.

On the side of Research and the like, four Collection Challenges were available for each of the habitats, presenting a selection of Pokémon to be captured from each. Should one be unable to complete them today, one has tomorrow to fill in the gaps if necessary. There was also a Special Research of 11 pages, but not all of them comprise pages of tasks; three of them comprise a selection between two options, which correspond to a specific Pokémon that will be earned. They were specifically to choose between Pop Star or Rock Star Pikachu, a special Galarian Zigzagoon or Galarian Ponyta, and a special Flygon or Gardevoir. This mechanism had been tested earlier with a certain strange event, but with different options. And as hinted, this is the Special Research that would lead to an encounter with Meloetta.

For my experience today, I ended up not going out at all, meaning not outside the confines of my living neighborhood, to keep myself sane and to keep others sane as well: I joined a video call with some of my raid fellows to support those who were homebound or on assignment, as well briefly for something else with only a tangent. Though I would miss someone or anyone setting up a Lure Module - not even I myself set up a Lure Module - I did manage to use some of the provided Incense to summon just enough of the featured Pokémon throughout the event hours to complete the Collection Challenges and the Special Research. And complete I did; a good selection of Shiny featured Pokémon was obtained, but the crown jewel was a truly perfect Meloetta with the best stats possible.

Overall, I also took a choral approach to creating the celebration band: I chose Pop Star Pikachu complemented by the special Galarian Ponyta, Flygon, and a bonus Galarian Zigzagoon from raids, all of them fitting certain choir parts. I also ended up with a few extra Pop Star Pikachu ready to be provided to others who desire them, possibly in exchange for a Rock Star Pikachu.

A few hints have been dropped for Day 2, including the appearance of "the real lord of the rings" that may be responsible for the happenings. But on the whole, the schedule has not changed, and raids are still on tap for that. It may be that what's on tap for me (my approach) might or might not be set in stone, but it's certain that raids are still in the mix, as certain of the goings-on in Day 1 today.

One year ago: Catch Me If...
Three years ago: Rearranged Pokémon Music

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