Monday, July 19, 2021

What It Takes To Jump-Start Pokémon Go Trainers

Earlier this month, I noted that Pokémon Go is now five years old. That's a significant amount of time, especially for anyone who rode the initial wave of popularity and then splashed out before coming back (like me) or have just discovered it today. Either way, these kinds of players - or Trainers in in-game parlance - will likely need a boost of some sort in order to find or restore the momentum to proceed. This boost is also called a "jump-start", and it becomes the topic of discussion for this post, especially what forms that it may take and what may be needed for Trainers.

One of those forms is already present in the game as the Special Research set called "Jump-Start Research", which was introduced during the third anniversary and given out again in later years (including last year) for those who haven't gotten or completed it. This set is still an especially nice idea, even if it's only available during the period of the anniversary, as the rewards work to provide Trainers with the necessary Pokémon and items to make great efforts. The big downside is certainly the availability during the anniversary period, as it means that Trainers will have to wait until then to obtain it, and that may or may not be helpful for a "jump-start", even if the set is very helpful indeed.

For those that can't wait that long, the referral program effectively becomes another form of a "jump-start". Being prompted to complete a number of tasks that reward Pokémon and items is like accomplishing Research, especially for both Trainers in question (the referring and the referred). This also can be initiated at any time, so long as the referred Trainer is new or hasn't logged in for 90 days or more. Yet this also becomes the catch, as the referral needs to be initiated somewhat immediately at registration or after the new login. Therefore, the process requires a sense of certainty for the Trainers of concern, which slightly detracts from the necessity of the "jump-start".

It may be considered that other "jump-start" efforts are already in place. Thanks to the "Go Beyond" update, earning XP is much easier with increased amounts for certain efforts, and those can already be executed regardless of time or condition. Then, there are already a few established sets of Special Research even without a "Jump-Start Research", and those can be completed even for those who are totally new, though they might have to work on them bit by bit. Both of these really only mean that just the task of putting in the effort to play through is already a great "jump-start" effort, and that the actual Special Research or the referral program are only complements.

After five years, there's been so much in Pokémon Go for new and old players or Trainers alike that it may be hard to take everything in and get (re)started with a "jump-start". But it may be that with just a bit of effort for a few things, the "jump-start" process may become evident, and if one is fortunate enough to catch the anniversary or be referred by another, then the process can be expanded. When that happens, all that stands is to (re-)enjoy the Pokémon Go ride and hope that it leads to fantastic things that can happen in the realm of the game and possibly even beyond.

Four years ago: Movie Times

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