Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bridging Myst and Pokémon Fans

Close to a year ago, I noted in a post - finally - that I'm also a fan of the Myst series of games, from which I am also inspired for my ways of dealing with Pokémon games. I also have very good relationships with many of the former's fans, with whom I interact every so often, mostly online due to the absence of local communities unlike the ones I have for Pokémon. Based on some recent intense interactions, I've been wondering about the bridges that exist or could be made to exist between fans of these game series or franchises.

Actually, there is a deeper reason for this post. The post above was also timed with the last day of the fan-run Mysterium convention for that series of games and more. This year, the convention was intended to be offline once again... but due to uncertain conditions, the offline plan was pulled three months ago and replaced with another online edition on its planned date. A month later, this year's Pokémon Go Fest was announced for the same weekend, forcing a concurrence. This is the reason why I noted the qualities I noted on the last day, as I took part in both the convention and game event, though (almost) not at the same time due to localized schedules, with Mysterium being U.S.-centric and therefore taking place mostly late at night my time. But it was thanks to the two events "bridging" and those intense interactions that I got the idea for this post.

First, it should be already clear that I'm not the only fan of both. Last year, I noted that there was a conference participant who played Pokémon Café Mix to pass the time; in fact, that participant is more than a regular participant, and is actually part of the organizing committee that makes the convention happen, and has been for a long time now. This year, I discovered how far that went: when I dropped the fact that I was doing "double duty" for both Go Fest and Mysterium, the committee member was interested in my friend code for Pokémon Go, revealing that the committee member also played. We subsequently became game friends, and we hope to remain as such for as long as possible. Others whom I met over the course of the convention are also fans to different extents; though I may not be sure how far, there are indications that they play some of the games, and therefore there is an established "bridge" for them.

Pokémon Go is an influential game in terms of augmented reality, and the Myst series games are influential in terms of adventure and puzzle, so when I dropped about Go Fest, some began positing the idea of an augmented reality game featuring adventure and puzzle much like those found in the latter game series. Knowing how Niantic has a knack for developing AR games, including Pokémon Go and those for other franchises, this might be a challenge that it could very well take up. The latter game series is well-known for introducing other worlds and an imaginary civilization; the former concept might have to be downplayed for AR, but to bring the imaginary civilization into the actual real world might become the heart of the game instead. If the development can be carried out as feasibly as Pokémon Go has been, then it might be an idea worth warming up to, a "bridging" so to speak.

Considering the different fans of the latter that I've met, there is a great deal of the range of influence. Some are like me, divested to Pokémon but possessing connections to Myst. Others are mostly divested for the latter but likely has cursory connections to the former, especially through the breakout popularity of Pokémon Go, as I've found out for one who still plays but not very actively. Still others appear to maintain a balance between both, as with the committee member above. Then there might be others that don't choose to specifically reveal their connections, although I'm confident that there are. In short, they all make "bridges" in different ways.

As I've mentioned, I've been in contact with the Myst series for as long as I've been in contact with Pokémon, and the former is effectively one of my "second homes", especially with such a kind and close-knit fan community. It still amazes me that as I continue to bridge my connections to others there, I also keep discovering the bridges of others there to Pokémon. Perhaps I may not have to wonder: the wonders of each are still there and await my discovery as my Myst and Pokémon journey continues.

Two years ago: Seeing the World with Go

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