Sunday, July 11, 2021

Travel to Atlantis

I'm informed that the workings of Factions of Silph Arena have started up again, so I've had to check out what's going on. This time, in fact, there is something new, and that would be for a Battlefield as expected, as one of the dynamics if not the key dynamic of the competition format. In a new Cycle, another Battlefield has been introduced, which now takes a theme of going under, as in under the sea, to evoke a well-known legendary lost civilization. The new Battlefield is thus called Atlantis after this civilization.

This Battlefield also takes a Great League basis (CP 1500 or less) and limits Pokémon to at least one of five types: Bug, Dark, Poison, Fairy, and Steel. With five types allowed, there is certainly a little bit of a broader selection to choose from compared to Floating City. Some limitations still apply: Mythical, Shadow, and Regional Pokémon are not allowed, with the last limitation now effectively banning Heracross instead, also a popular contender if unchecked and especially given the above types. The perennial Fairy favorite of Azumarill is also banned, forcing Trainers to look for alternatives. With the given types, there should be plenty of those alternatives.

It's also important to consider interactions among the involved types. Because of the included (focus) types, there may be double threats to Dark and Fairy to watch out for, including from the latter to the former. Steel becomes a good defender across the included types with Poison in second, and Bug may need to be used sparingly. As always, with Pokémon that involve other types as a secondary type, much of the interactions they bring will define how battles will proceed, but the five included or focus types ought to serve as a basic guideline on what interactions to expect (or perhaps not, depending on the other Pokémon).

As with the previous Battlefield of Floating City, since I'm not a Factions participant, I cannot make too many comments, but a rudimentary analysis may suffice for others who are part of the competition. Regardless, after the first Battlefield, it seems there is an enigma and mystery to be maintained with Atlantis as the second Battlefield, and now the current Cycle and Bouts of Factions are tasking Trainers assigned to it to travel there and do battle, hopefully to contribute meaningfully for the excellence of their team. 

Four years ago: Going Back to the NDS

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