Sunday, July 4, 2021

Searching for Myself... with U.S. Included

It's July 4, and it's hard to deny that it means the occasion of the independence day of the United States, a place that I have connections to (see last year's post below). There's a song out there about one searching for what it might be, though I'm not familiar with it and it may or may not apply to my case or even this post. Regardless, the U.S. represents a part of the journey of searching for myself, which eventually led to Pokémon and everything else that followed it, so there is some worth in discussing it in this manner.

I went to the U.S. actually not with the intent of searching for myself; it was intended for other things. Yet in a way, the "secondary quest" of that process remained on the table, and I essentially completed it when I discovered Pokémon. As for searching for myself in other ways, quite a few of those efforts were cut short when I left the U.S. - in some ways unwillingly - although I then made other efforts of searching for myself and those were fulfilled, even including Pokémon, in other ways. While the moment that I left is now behind me, at least the process occurred and even wrapped up by my going there.

I've already detailed a bit of the background of my first Pokémon moments in a post related to the things that made them happen, and now it seems pertinent to detail a bit more of them. Some of those first moments occurred at school, and specifically at benches. It may then be considered that I was "searching for a place" with the benches being present, and by being able to try out the games on the spot, I managed to make that "searching" process happen. It's obvious that things have come a long way since those benches, and now the benches are not so much physical but metaphorical in the sense of searching for others to "sit (and play) with me", perhaps no matter where they are.

In a post a few weeks ago, I also discussed about "pursuing my true self", which is also quite related. Considering my Pokémon background and my U.S. background as above, as well as what happened at the point in time when that post was made, it could be said that the process is never fully complete - at least, some partial achievements may be completed, but the entirety of the process may never be. But that may be a good thing, since that may leave room for other partial achievements to be completed in other ways, quite possibly even with a trip to the U.S., even if it's just temporary.

In a way, I've found the U.S. I'm searching for, thanks to my connections with Pokémon. Yet it may be that I could stand to search for more, especially when current conditions have died down and I'm able to make my way there again. With everything that has happened, it may also be considered that I was looking for my "independence", as the means and the freedom to express myself, which happened thanks to a great deal with Pokémon. And that brings things back to now, on this particular day.

It's a great day for independence. Happy independence day - the Fourth of July - to those in the U.S.

Two years ago: Welcome to the Jungle

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