Friday, July 30, 2021

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 7/30/2021

Much like last year, this current month is the "Go Fest month" in (and anniversary month as well for) Pokémon Go. Therefore, the Go Fest event becomes the primary event for this month - though I've already covered it separately and in greater detail over the two days of the event. That leaves the other events of the month, which constitute the "remnants". Still, they're important remnants, and they deserve to be covered just as much as Pokémon Go Fest, and so there is this rollup for them.

July 1 marked the extraordinary occurrence of a certain lowly Pokémon coming into the limelight, which was known as Bidoof Day. As the pinnacle of the Bidoof Breakout event from last month, the one-day event celebrated the occasion in Pokémon Go. From 10 AM to 8 PM, Bidoof - with some possibly being Shiny - were everywhere in the wild, under the control of Team Go Rocket in Shadow form, and even in raids of all levels including Level 3 and 5 raids, a sight to see and feat to accomplish. Bidoof during the day had the Charged move of Superpower but could also be taught previous Bidoof Breakout Charged moves, and all of them were viable for Bidoof Cup, a special GBL format with only Bidoof permitted as well as the constraints of Little Cup. The event included a Special Research with fun rewards, which in a way was also a test of the selection mechanism that would then be present for Pokémon Go Fest. Topped off with a quadruple catch XP bonus, the day was both strange and wonderful to behold.

Then there was the Anniversary Event, which took place for a good length of time from July 5 to July 15. I've highlighted the important features previously, and now it's time to expand upon them. As noted, the event also featured Shiny Darumaka and a special Flying Pikachu with a balloon in the shape of the number 5, which also could be Shiny. The event's Collection Challenge contained all the starter Pokémon from 6 generations along with the Flying Pikachu, and most of them were to be caught from Field Research and Lure Modules (of different kinds, all of them lasting for one hour), as well as from the wild and raids. In order to help, daily bonus Field Research tasks also had the same tasks. This event also served to introduce a few novelties, which comprise new dynamic sky coloring, new Pokédex groups, special Gift stickers, increased item bag limits, and different items in Shop boxes. Fireworks also appeared in the sky during the length of the event, which meant a festive atmosphere along with everything else.

One event that was going to happen this month on July 22 actually didn't get to happen and became postponed due to circumstances that changed. The event was to commemorate the launch of Pokémon Air Adventures, a travel program that is intended to create great memories. As part of the celebration, in Okinawa, a special Pikachu wearing that region's characteristic kariyushi shirt was due to appear for at least a year in the region, while Corsola would receive its Shiny form, which may possibly be encountered in its specific region. Obviously, current conditions that are worsening played its part in postponing the event, and it is hard to say when this will occur. One takeaway is that the event is (or was) to be a prelude to introducing more Pokémon with regional costumes, and therefore much can be expected from this, which regardless merits the event's inclusion right now even if it wasn't meant to be, at least just yet.

On a somewhat related note, before closing, I'd like to say that there is another event that started this month at about the same time as the Air Adventures event that ended up being postponed. The event is actually an important consequence of Pokémon Go Fest among other important consequences, and I feel that it's important to keep them together, so I'm saving the event for the next rollup along with all the other important consequences. The event is due to end just a few days into August anyway, so it's still fitting in that regard.

Though all the other events, by way of the big event in Pokémon Go this month, may be considered as "remnants", there is evidence for their significance, regardless of their length or status. That means that they are regardless important for any Trainer in their progression in Pokémon Go, even with one big and very important event that seemingly downplays that of the others. As such, they may be considered to not be "remnants" after all, but as vital pieces in one's Pokémon Go journey.

Three years ago: Leaving a Lasting Legacy
Four years ago: Cosplay: ACOLYTES 2017

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