Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Further Remixes of GBL Leagues?

This post actually deals with a current Pokémon Go happening - actually, happenings - but I'm not ready to deliver objective views on the happenings just yet. Instead, I'll deliver my subjective take on them and present the objective take at a later time. Last season, the Go Battle League or GBL instituted a "remix" version of the Great League in which some Pokémon were banned from use, and this season it has done the same for the Great League and is actively doing so for the Ultra League - again, more on these soon. This leads to the consideration that more GBL leagues or cups could be given the "remix" treatment for later iterations.

With the Great and Ultra Leagues having received their "remix" treatment, the only one remaining is obviously Master League. Notably, Ultra League has already had its "remix" of its Premier Cup before the official "remix", so Master League can be open for this treatment as well. And it may be a good thing; as with the Great and Ultra Leagues, certain Pokémon have continued to appear frequently on teams, thereby saturating battles in the League even in its Premier Cup or Classic incarnations. A "remix" in line with the current ones for Great and Ultra Leagues may be in order sooner if not later to keep challenging Trainers.

The regular leagues are one thing, but the real question is the possibility for other leagues or cups to be remixed. The possibility is intriguing, as even a "remixed" Premier Cup (UItra and/or Master League regardless) or Flying Cup would get rid of the most frequently and recently used Pokémon in them, essentially almost forcing Trainers to completely rethink their teams for those leagues or cups without the traditional standbys and fallbacks that would otherwise predominate the leagues or cups. This would be a refreshing change, particularly for Premier Cup that has been "long in the tooth" and even for more recent Cups.

Yet perhaps more recent cups may need to be given a chance to prove themselves first. The Little Cup, for example, has only been officially implemented once (initially) and in a modified version, and Trainers may need to be given more chances to see what works for those, especially by including them - Little Cup in particular - as part of the regular rotation of cups and leagues, before being given the "remix" treatment. Thus, the burden of proof lies with both the Trainers and the cups or leagues.

The idea of "remixing" leagues and cups is a neat idea, and now it has been further developed with the "remix" of the Ultra League. All that may be left to do is to develop "remixes" further for other leagues or cups, including for the Master League and a few of the other cups wherein GBL competition viably occurs. Much would have to be planned out for both Trainers and GBL seasons, but after seeing the same leagues and cups invariably returning, it seems refreshing to see something variable with these "remixes".

Two years ago: A Time for Everything
Three years ago: Online Pokémon Newsletters

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