Friday, July 16, 2021

Go Fest in the Time of...

For those who are still paying attention to Pokémon Go affairs, tomorrow would be the start of this year's Pokémon Go Fest on its first day. Yet as I cannot state enough at present, current conditions have not subsided and may or in fact are getting worse in some places. Meanwhile, Go Fest itself has to go on, and incidentally, some things are also going on for me and others as well. It therefore becomes such an enigmatic time for Go Fest to occur due to (a combination of) these things, and I thought I'd discuss that before the festivities begin.

Even during these conditions, it was announced that there is going to be something called a "City Celebration" for Go Fest in certain cities with control over current conditions, though one would still have to follow certain things. One of those cities is Auckland, but word has been received that the City Celebration has been canceled not because of health conditions, but because of weather conditions. The idea itself seems neat, even though right now may not be the best time for it. The best advice that I can offer for those who might be planning to participate is the same as a current best advice given by Pokémon Go itself: to be aware of what's going on. For that, I wish those people good luck.

Meanwhile, the situation in my area is nowhere close to improvement and can be considered unnerving, and even with proper preparations, I'm still nervous about going out for Go Fest and only a little less so for more necessary things such as seeking sustenance for other days. Therefore, I'm contemplating that I will go through both days of Go Fest just like I did last year, which would be only within the neighborhood where I live. In comparison to last year, my current neighborhood is much more spacious, though there are only still just about as many PokéStops and Gyms, and some preparation is still in order. Yet it could and should be far better than having to go out for it.

Actually, there's a better reason for me not to go out: I'm due for a busy weekend in other ways. Not going out would save the strain of preparing myself for those other businesses as I go for them. That busy weekend then spills onto the beginning of the week, at which point I will likely have to go out, but only for necessities at the most. With or without Go Fest, it will be somewhat of a straining weekend and more, and Pokémon and other businesses also continue. It would then be wise to save as much strain as possible, and the best option would be not to go out if at all possible. 

There is another way to save strain. Those who read my blog last year will note that I live-blogged Go Fest last year, which was also partially demanding. This time, I'm not doing a live blog for that reason, the above reason of being strained in other ways, and the fact that this Go Fest runs only partially throughout each of its two days, as previously explained. Whether I will (or can) go out for Go Fest will likely depend on other factors that I can neither affirm nor deny; in general, though, I don't expect the opportunity to remain on the table with these times, and going out will likely not be the case.

There's a certain good time that occurs when Pokémon Go Fest occurs, yet with all the things that go on at this time, there could be instances of not-so-good times - a real enigma. With Go Fest regardless on schedule, the only thing to do is to hold back the latter times and ensure that the former times do happen, however it happens. In the time of current conditions, the best thing that can be mustered for Go Fest seems to be the best thing that goes for it.

Two years ago: Pokémon Go Version 1?
Three years ago: Daily Tasks

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