Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Pokémon Go 5th Anniversary

Today's post has to be obvious because of all the posts from the previous years (see below). That would be because it's the fifth anniversary of Pokémon Go, which as far as Pokémon games go is uniquely significant. This anniversary once again takes place while the world grapples in its current situation. As life goes on in the real world and people tinker for ways to recover, so too life goes on in Pokémon Go and certain parts of the game are tinkered with in order to improve things as they are now and will be in the future. Once again, it is important to recap a few of those tinkered things to establish how far things have come since last year's anniversary.

Go Battle League, introduced a couple of years ago, now has proven that it can deal with tinkered formats (example), having done so over the past year. Team Go Rocket tinkered with overhead invasions, and this has been welcomed before being staved off again. Collection Challenges become a form of tinkering with Timed Research to show prowess in one of the "four pillars" of Pokémon. A new kind of global "touring" event - another kind of tinkering - also made its debut earlier this year with great fanfare. Furthermore, friends expanded with more new ones and more help for older ones, and things expanded in general, including toward the level cap. Many things were indeed tinkered to improve and/or expand them.

What may be the greatest tinkering and expansion, though, without a doubt involves the species of Pokémon. A good portion of the species from the sixth generation have made it in, including the two "box legends", and these are significant to be sure, as they mean more Pokémon to go around. What's even more significant, and in fact as grand as its name suggests, is the inclusion of Mega Evolution, the forms of Pokémon with massive capabilities for certain species. Even so, the Mega Evolution system has often come under fire, and it still is so even today, for all its imperfections. Though much of them have been fixed, there may be a sense that some are still not satisfied. Time will continue to tell whether they can be alleviated - certainly with more tinkering.

For tinkering Trainers, there is the traditional anniversary event, which starts today instead of ending soon after this point in time like last year. This year, the highlights are starter Pokémon of six generations with a Collection Challenge featuring them, a slightly different Flying Pikachu, the debut of Shiny Darumaka, the return of Shiny Meltan from the Mystery Box (if one is lucky), the Special Research set of Jump-Start Research for those who haven't gotten or completed it, and loads of other nice and beneficial complements that everyone may or should benefit from.

Despite the world not being so awesome right now, Pokémon Go has remained more or less awesome after five years, especially with the above. As Pokémon itself becomes more awesome, the awesomeness has to be passed on to Pokémon Go as well, and evidently many of those elements from the past have been taken in. Of course, that also meant a lot of tinkering to get them in and more tinkering to make sure they're the best they can be. It looks like everyone is due for a lot of tinkering in the coming times, both in real life and Pokémon Go, to keep things awesome.

Happy 5th anniversary to Pokémon Go.

Three years ago: Pokémon Go 2nd Anniversary

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