Friday, July 23, 2021

More on Ideal Raid Lengths

A long time ago, I made a post on a change in the time lengths of raids. That post, however, was mostly based on a single premise: the then-recent change to 15 minutes as a raid boss egg and 90 minutes as the raid itself. The premise fell apart some time later when raid time lengths returned to the normal of 60 minutes egg and 45 minutes raid. Furthermore, since then, there have been many changes in raids, some sticking and others less so. Yet, every now and then, I keep thinking about the post, and to make amends for it by taking that premise and framing it within the context of what could or should be the ideal lengths of raids, especially during certain conditions.

For normal conditions without an event or with one of usual lengths (one half to one and a half weeks), the normal length may suffice. Yet it may also be considered that the length may be due for a change after all this time. With the persistence of Raid Hour on Wednesdays, it may very well be a good idea to extend all raids to one hour (60 minutes), most likely with a reduction of the egg length as well, whether in line with the 20 minutes for Raid Hour or even up to 30 minutes. Decreasing the egg time may also allow for slightly more frequent raids, though if the goal is to increase frequency, it may be better to reduce raid lengths (such as 45/45 egg/raid) instead to leave time for more of them.

For a short event of less than half a week that includes raids, shorter waits such as 30/45 or even 30/30 may be even more desirable, particularly if many possible Pokémon are to be involved, such as different kinds of Pikachu with event costumes. This would allow for increased frequency as above without compromising on length, at least too much, and the rate of actual appearance rates would line up with probabilistic rates. Yet it would probably be wise to not have the raid portion go below 20 minutes, or otherwise this would hamper the ability of Trainers to raid, especially if it becomes essential for something like a Collection Challenge, which may require raids (in implication).

For a very short one- or two-day event, it would be most ideal to have raids that appear instantaneously much like for A Colossal Discovery or Pokémon Go Tour. That would mean waits of 0/20, which is roughly the way things proceeded in those two events. During this year's Pokémon Go Fest, there were a few Trainers that complained of how some raids were more desired and less desired, and how infrequent the raids appeared with 10/20 waits. Perhaps it should have not proceeded as such and the raids should have appeared as they were in the other events. And if it's a Raid Day, it goes without saying that it should proceed per the protocol of all Gyms occupied, no questions asked, to allow the greatest raid activity.

It becomes clear that the ideal raid length may be circumstantial in a lot of ways. It depends on what is being raided, what event(s) may allow for raids, and how long those events are. Whether the length is ideal or not, especially as it applies to the current length, is also likely to depend on the whims of Trainers. Without them expressing their whims, the current length is likely to stand. But when circumstances and conditions do change - as they have done in the past, are doing presently, and will do later on - that may become further prompt to reevaluate raid lengths and make sure Trainers get all that they can muster and expect for the best raid experience possible within a certain time.

Four years ago: Cosplay in a Bag

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