Thursday, July 8, 2021

Every Word Is a Prayer

As a Pokémon fan, I find myself being inspired by things outside of Pokémon to be applied to my Pokémon experiences. That includes things like the words that people say, which have been on this blog a few times. This post is to deal with another set of those words, which happen to be in the title of this post. Near the end of last month, I watched a special event on TV, and at the end of the event, these words were said by the host. The event was somewhat memorable, as were the words, which made me think of my Pokémon experiences.

These words imply, according to popular interpretations, that what one says may end up being prayers or wishes for the future. For good things, there will also be good wishes, but not-so-good things may end up being not-so-good wishes. Therefore, there is another implication in play, which is that one has to watch what one says; this last bit is related but could also be expanded, even more so in the case of my personal experiences with Pokémon, and thus should also be discussed, but not at the moment.

Obviously, with the words above, this blog pertains very much, because there are many, many words on this blog. I'd like to think that all of those words have been good words that are therefore imbued with good wishes. Yet some of them may unintentionally contain not-so-good wishes (but not downright bad) based on certain interpretations. If that occurs, then I would have to apologize for whatever ill intents may be gained. There may still be good intents to be gained, and those should be the point of my words.

While that special event on TV was only a momentous occasion, Pokémon for me always presents a special occasion, or even occasions. Those occasions always permit me to say at least a little something about them. Keeping in mind the words of the title, the words I say would represent my prayers and wishes for future occasions, especially those of Pokémon. I have to ascertain that such a situation would represent the best of my intents and whatever good things may be gotten from them.

One year ago: Dream of Pokémon Life
Four years ago: Pursuing Shiny?

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