Monday, July 5, 2021

Poké Ball Luggage Tag

There are a few things that I love about obtaining Pokémon merchandise. One is that I love serendipitous finds just as much as intentionally looking for them. Another is that I love getting them at a discount, especially a great one. Lastly and most importantly, I love if they (can) function as intended. All three of these things apply to the piece of merchandise that I've just recently obtained. 

As can be seen clearly from the picture along with its packaging, this is a luggage tag, and a Pokémon one at that, in the form of a Poké Ball. I found this while I was shopping for daily needs - incidentally at the same place from where I obtained a certain blue drink bottle some time ago - and I just had to get it. Fortunately, the merchandise was being sold at a discount, and a steep one at that, so I could obtain it cheaply and immediately, and particularly for my collection as well as to review it on this blog.

The luggage tag is a disc with the front having a Poké Ball depiction in relief, and the back having the tag portion. The tag is connected to the piece of luggage, likely a suitcase or bag of some sort, by way of the black strap or belt; the belt is secured by way of a couple of pegs on the back of the strap that are not visible in the photo. The design of the strap or belt is typical as far as luggage tags are concerned from what I've seen, but the tag itself is atypical yet pleasing for a fan like me.

Still, I have noticed a few potential faults with the tag. The tag card is 6 by 3 cm but the visible area is only 5 by 2.5 cm, and the pre-made tag content wasn't designed well. That means I'll have to customize the tag, but that could stand to be great. One of the pegs in the back is also slightly bent and has the potential to break at a later time, which means I'll have to prepare a backup for that. Otherwise, this luggage tag is still pretty good, and with my own additions, it will be even better.

This serendipitous, discounted, and functional find is a unique one, as most merchandise I come upon rarely have all three qualities at the same time. Though it's not exactly perfect, this Pokémon merchandise and others like it is still a blessing for any fan like me, and with a few tweaks, it could be even more perfect. That's as valuable as being presented with the opportunity to obtain it in the first place.

Four years ago: I Side with Pokémon

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