Wednesday, January 26, 2022

YouTube Pokémon Highlights: Pokémon Unite Channels

A great thing about YouTube is that it's perfect for showing off action, whether real or imagined. Some of that imagined action, though, might be perfectly demonstrable through games, like the recent offering of Pokémon Unite, which indeed does have action in spades. The game therefore lends itself well to YouTube, and in fact, channels featuring videos of action from the game have sprung up; a number of them can and does serve to be highlighted, which becomes the point of this post.

Of these channels, two furnishes videos on a regular basis, and they're aptly named: Daily Dose of Pokémon Unite and Daily Overdose of Pokémon Unite. Of the two, the latter is slightly more popular with 11.4K subscribers compared to the former's 10K. Both of them have the same premise of showing frequent clips from gameplay that are received from various sources, and true to that, some clips may be shared between the two channels. Recently, though, the latter has also shared videos of tips and tricks for the game, which makes it a potential differentiator. Clips from gameplay will still be the primary substance of both channels, and they're worth checking out.

Two other variety clip-based channels that ought to be checked out as well are Pokémon UNITE Clips and OnlyPokeNite. In comparison to the other variety clip-based channels above, these ones have a little less regularity along with fewer subscribers, only in the few thousands. The former's clips might tend to repeat the other two above due to having the same sources, and the latter might be closer to a personal clip channel instead (but with lots of humor), but their content should be seen nonetheless. It seems best to pay no mind to their issues and just enjoy their offerings.

Speaking of personal channels, at least two of them also have neat offerings: one by NinJazGuru and POKENITE BUNNY. These might come off as even more humorous - or in some cases, even more humbling - than the other channels above, but likewise there are some real gems within them. Interestingly enough, both of these channels state their origin from India, which also goes to show how Pokémon Unite (and Pokémon in general) have taken root in the country of the subcontinent.

If any of these channels have something to indicate about Pokémon Unite, it is that it is packed with action and then some - it's multiplayer action that Pokémon has not seen before but others may have in different guises. Therefore, it wouldn't be surprising if players record their gameplay action on video so that the action can be exhibited on (at least) one YouTube channel as above. In doing so, they're effectively keeping the action going, even within the pauses between really active gameplay as Unite would and should have.

One year ago: Unity Power
Two years ago: Cosplay: Aishiteru Minna
Three years ago: SwitchCon
Four years ago: Private vs. Public Raids?

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