Sunday, January 26, 2020

Cosplay: Aishiteru Minna

Me: I have to be honest. I wasn't actually thinking about sending you here since I actually have quite a few things that I need to do.

Ash: So how did I end up here?

Me: Well, I had a bit of opportunity, many of my friends said they're sending their characters in, and the competitions seem OK. I hope it's OK with you.

Ash: I'm OK if you're OK.

Pikachu: Pikachu! ["OK, sure!"]

Me: All right. So, this theme event is a bit - or actually, a lot - different. The title means "I love you, everyone", because the theme is about love. Although, I can't help but think that it's a bit early for that.

Ash: Um, yeah, I guess.

Me: The main thing about this one involves a game in my world that involves men or boys looking at different women or girls to see if they can get along. Apparently it's fun for some people, so that's why they've got it going. They call it "Take Character Out" because it's like going out dating. And the participants of course involve the characters people send in.

Ash: I can tell you about it!

Me: Please do.

Ash: OK, so a girl comes up and introduces herself, then the boys say they like her by keeping a light that they have on. Then the girl tells more about her in a video and the boys keep their light on or not. Then the girl performs something, and the boys keep their light on or not. The boys then tell a little bit about them, and then the girl turns out the lights of the boys until two are left. The ones that are left tell more about them, then the girl picks one she likes. It looks like fun, even though it's all about matchmaking.

Me: How did the people respond?

Ash: It was really popular! Most people came to watch by around the middle of the day and wanted to see who got together with whom.

Me: Well, given that the TV version of this is popular, it's no surprise that this one would be. I'm told that there are four sessions with four girls. Were there anyone special that hooked up with the girls?

Ash: One of your friends sent in a wizard, and he hooked up! Another one of yours also hooked up, and he's a human warrior. There was a phantom thief and a soldier too.

Me: You know, I guess this was fun after all. Maybe if there's an "inverse" variant, where boys choose girls, I might let you in.

Ash: Yeah! I don't know if things will work out after that, but maybe it'll be fun enough.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu! ["Seems like it!"]

Me: OK. That's fun, but the real reason I sent you here was to do something in the singing and character parade competitions held alongside. How'd that work out?

Ash: OK, so I was with my Sinnoh outfit, and you sent me to sing "Together" again. It was OK, but I flubbed part of the second chorus. It made me a bit upset. But the character parade seemed fine.

Me: So you say. I do apologize for the short notice on this as well, which led to this. I guess I should ask you about the results.

Ash: I didn't win the singing competition, even with two prizes out of four. The character parade had 33 in it, but there were five winners, two by judging and three by random draw - really a random draw. And I didn't win either.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["So rough!"]

Me: Ouch, that's rough. Anything else that should be known about this theme event? The location, perhaps?

Ash: Yeah! It's the same as the anniversary event from a while back. That was fun, even with its problems. And you know what? This one still had some problems. I was a little concerned that the music for my singing didn't play right. The sound for the girl videos also didn't play right. And the stage background also fell off.

Me: Oh my! I suppose this has been a problematic day in part. And I suspect partially that the organizers of this event and that anniversary one are the same, from what I've been told.

Ash: That could explain some things.

Me: Regardless, this is a unique concept for a theme event. Some of my friends think that this can stand to be repeated, even in a local event rather than a faraway one like this.

Ash: Maybe it is fun, in a way. I may or may not be in it if it happens, but at least there's still some fun if I can be there!

Pikachu: Pi pika pika! ["I'm with you!]

Me: That's a great spirit.

One year ago: SwitchCon
Two years ago: Private vs. Public Raids?
Three years ago: The Times They Are a-Switchin'

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