Sunday, January 2, 2022

Thoughts on More Categories

Categories are important to any blog - and in particular this Pokémon blog - as they help to organize the posts and see how they are related. Accordingly, the subject has come up in a few posts on this blog, one of which was two years ago (see below). Now that this blog has completed a full five years and is into the start of its sixth, the discussion seems to be warranted once again. It would pertain to the progress that has been made in this aspect and can be made in the future.

In the past, I had undertaken the division of the formerly all-inclusive category of "Game" into several categorical "realms", including Pokémon Go as its own category. This division has worked well for the most part, especially for posts made after the division. Due to limited time and owing to considerations, however, I haven't been able to make the original category disappear, although with only 60 posts left as of this post, I might be able to make a plan to get this all done soon. I'm also debating on whether to create a category that covers posts about game principles that don't specifically tie into one "realm", though I loath to call it "metagame" since Pokémon involves games and this term is thrown around frequently in them, often within one "realm" rather than a mix of them. I'd rather use a different term or coin a new one if need be.

Meanwhile, though it isn't too large compared to other categories, the "Events" category is burgeoning not only in posts but also in scope, similar to how "Game" was before the division. For this category, I'm contemplating of dividing it into three: one for events that are begotten from the games, another for events that are established by the community (which may or may not be related to the games), and yet another for entertainment events (for which cosplay is included). All of these are currently included as one, and it seems rather conflated in this state; a division will certainly help to alleviate that. While the latter two may not be pertinent due to the global situation, the first one will certainly continue, and that's an incentive for making the division.

Speaking of burgeoning categories, the greatest one in this regard is the "Musings" category, with 727 posts as of this post. This might present the greatest difficulty for division, as I'm certain that the category still applies for many of the posts that are tagged with it. Further, some may also be tagged with one or more other categories, making recategorization even more difficult. As such, it may not be currently in my interest to break up this category through recategorization. However, if I were to be able to identify themes in the posts, especially with the help of others, then I might just be able to do that, though as with the efforts above, it would take time as well.

After five years, the post categories on this blog have expanded, becoming even greater than what they were before. It's a testament to the number of posts and the content in them, which have also expanded greatly since the beginning. With that being evident, recategorization and expansion of those categories are not only imminent but also necessary, keeping me in check as someone who writes about and presents the world of Pokémon, even more so through what has been experienced.

Two years ago: New Post Categories
Three years ago: Taking the Plunge
Four years ago: What's Next?
Five years ago: ...And a Hoppip New Year

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