Tuesday, February 1, 2022

NADWPKMN YouTube Channel Open!!!

This February starts off with good news on the social media front: after having been planned for a long time, this blog now has an accompanying YouTube channel! The channel will become a complement and supplement to this blog, with content that is much like the posts on this blog - but in video format - as well as beyond that. And of course, everything is related to Pokémon in some way, as it is a defining characteristic of this blog as well as my life experiences. The channel for this blog can be found here.

It has to be admitted that the channel in its current state is still somewhat rudimentary even though it already looks pretty good. I actually started the channel and uploaded the first video last year, but I didn't bring it up (except with some of my closest friends) because I wanted it to be a test, and the first episode effectively serves as a "pilot". Once I was satisfied that things seemed fine, and I could make and upload the next video, I declared the channel to be "open", and that time would be today.

At present, there are only two videos, and they comprise what would be the "regular series" that would detail my experiences with all things Pokémon, including all my objective, subjective, and creative wanderings with those things. Later on, I'd like to put up videos of certain specific happenings (such as prior cosplay or singing performances, or even interviews or streams) and they would comprise "specials" that focus just on those happenings. Together, they should encapsulate all my experiences.

More than that, the videos and the channel would be representative of me as an all-around Pokémon fan. They would also certainly provide context that even words and pictures on this blog cannot fully illustrate by themselves, and that's a big thing. It's a little unbelievable that it has taken me this long to realize this side project in addition to my blog, but as they say, it's better to be late than not at all. With that being the case, now the channel is open, and my Pokémon representation in motion can roam free.

Please enjoy the current and future content. As always, Not a Day Goes by - Without Pokémon.

Three years ago: Wrap the Light Fantastic
Four years ago: The Workings of Raids
Five years ago: Poké Ball Food

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