Sunday, February 6, 2022

Go Tour, Next Age and Next Stage

At the beginning of the Season of Heritage, I noted that the final stop, which would be at the end of this month, is the region of Johto. There would be a very good reason for that: the region is the subject of a new edition of Pokémon Go Tour. As such, the prediction I made nearly a year ago that the event could be extended to other regions in further, successive editions has turned out to be true, and one can expect yet other editions at a later time. For this year and this season, though, the Johto edition has become pertinent.

From details regarding the event, much of it will be like last year, including version selection - here, between Gold and Silver - and all the consequences, tasks, and rewards that are part of the event. What would be considerably new this year is the selection of a Starter Pokémon along with version selection, additional Pokémon from Kanto that have evolved forms in Johto, and an additional paid event the next day called Pokémon Go Tour: Live, though this last one is for certain places around the world and is essentially an in-person version of last year's edition, down to its region (Kanto). There's a certain promise that the excitement will be like last year, even if some things are or have been displaced.

If last year Trainers obtained the paid Special Research for Community Day for free for the current month and the one prior as a "pre-order bonus" for buying the event ticket before a certain date, this year that isn't the case. Instead, Trainers received a different monthly Timed Research set for the Season of Heritage if they did, which are the continuation of one that they received in December, each with certain rewards and a unique fashion item. It may be admitted that the bonus this time may not be as appealing as last year, but some Trainers may still find some appeal, just enough to make the "pre-order".

One of the key highlights of Pokémon Go Tour last year was the availability of every Pokémon of the featured region in a possible Shiny form, and that is retained this year, with all of them to be possibly available in a Shiny form. Of course, observant Trainers will note that the Shiny forms of some of the Pokémon for the current featured region may have already been added in prior different ways, so with this in mind, Pokémon Go Tour might be regarded as a "completionist commemoration", at least in part for Shiny forms. While it's not reasonably expected that one will obtain all the Shiny forms by the time Go Tour comes about, the event may be considered to pave the way for approaching that completion, which may be considered noble indeed.

(There's also a side note: this year, the event is held on February 26 and the "Live" portion is held the very next day, but frequent readers of this blog will note that both are very special (personally) in their own ways. They'll be explained when they come, but it is certain that the write-up for the event won't be on the day of.)

Regardless, with this new edition of Pokémon Go Tour, now it is definite where things are heading. They are heading to the next age with this new edition for the next region in line, and possibly others on down the line in later editions. They are also heading to the next stage, incorporating novelties and a completionist aspect. Beyond the final stop of the Season of Heritage, that's something to take pride in and look forward to.

Two years ago: In My Full Time
Four years ago: Life with My Raid Group

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