Sunday, February 20, 2022

Show Goes On, and On, and On...

The show goes on
And the sad-eyed sisters go walking on
Everyone watching all along
The show goes on
As the autumn's coming and the summer's all gone
Still without you
The show goes on
-- "The Show Goes On", Bruce Hornsby

Personally, there's been a roughness that has been felt in the past week, whether by myself or other Pokémon fans. At the same time, that roughness seems to be about to lead into mostly sweetness in the following week, which would be this one. All things continue to proceed, or in entertainment terms, "the show goes on". The phrase is also the title of a song that is popularly identified with a movie about firefighters and brothers, both of which I've hinted about in separate posts, though it is also a good pop song in its own right.

The roughness certainly comes from the ill-executed theme event that Ash, Goh, and I reported last week; for me, the ill execution actually recalls the first verse of this song (Didn't you expect it/When you opened the door...) because it was truly just that, at least for the ones who tried to hold it. It became (or I declared it) a missed opportunity for me to put forward Pokémon as always. Then there was the passing of the voice actor for Ash for the local dub, effectively becoming the voice actor's "curtain call", for which the song also has allusions in the pre-chorus. All told, the song seems to encapsulate both happenings.

Meanwhile, the next Pokémon anniversary is due out within this next week along with Pokémon Go Tour. It's a bit bittersweet to move from the major anniversary of last year, but at least that is complemented with some sweet pleasantries, which helps to ease the transition. And it's an inevitable transition nonetheless, and along with the two happenings above, things had to happen one way or another - the show had to go on for everything with time, as the chorus of the above song suggests. If anything, I had already suggested the major anniversary itself as a "show", so it still fits somewhat perfectly.

Retrospectively, this may be the song that I should have thought of when my "show" had to go on that one time everything went wrong; back then, though, I did not really connect with the song. Now that I've connected, it does make some sense regarding my Pokémon situation at the time. I have to admit that I haven't completely made peace with that situation even now, but this song may be considered to be helpful in that regard. At some point, the peace must be fully made and the "show" has to completely go on.

What has gone on with the recent event failure and the passing of a star, as well as what is to go on with the Pokémon anniversary and accompanying events, is just a part of the "show" of Pokémon in life - or even, "shows". Time goes on, and likewise the seasons; in turn, these happenings and similar others continue with their aftereffects as well, as in the above lyrics. The roughness might just eventually smoothen and the sweetness, while fading away, might still linger in part, as the "shows" go on (and on, and on).

Two years ago: Living with My Buddy
Three years ago: Poké-Tourism
Four years ago: Pokémon "Cover Songs"
Five years ago: Venice and Alto Mare

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