Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Johto Cup of GBL

This next themed cup, one for the Go Battle League, comes at a pretty appropriate time with Pokémon Go Tour coming up this weekend; the respective write-up is also appropriately timed, as today is practically the only day that I can put it up due to the sequence of events that will happen over the next week or so, but I digress. What's important is that the themed cup concerns the region that is the subject of this year's Pokémon Go Tour, as Johto, and thus there is the Johto Cup.

As with similar regional themed cup predecessors for Kanto and Sinnoh, it's another Great League-based affair, this time in concurrence with the final week of the GBL season in addition to Pokémon Go Tour as above. Likewise, the key restriction that makes this themed cup what it is is simple; it involves all Pokémon species that hail from the Johto region (Dex numbers 152-251). The total number of involved species is even fewer than the Sinnoh Cup - especially after non-viable species are eliminated - but they are likewise key to the essence of the themed cup.

For that, there are the top contenders of the themed cup. Skarmory leads the pack of species, while the remainder of the top five is composed of Lanturn, Shadow Raikou, Azumarill (which needs Candy XL), and Shadow Meganium. Others down the list include the non-Shadow versions of the above, as well as Qwilfish, Quagsire, Steelix, and Ariados. Depending on how active Trainers have been, by now some of these should have been quite obtainable and not require expending much resources, which ought to be a plus even with fewer available species overall.

By putting my Pokémon to battle, I've discovered that the results of the battles can be quite entertaining and they can turn out to go either way, depending on the Pokémon that are possessed by both of the Trainers. A good team ought to be fruitful for a Trainer, and should be especially so in this case given the relative paucity of pickings, many of which might be good enough to stand up to those of others, even similar ones. That said, the themed cup has only been in play for a couple of days, and it is available through the end of the month and the season.

If memory serves me right (see below), the Johto region delivered much excitement in whatever form it took, and Pokémon Go seems to be receptive of that after the debut of the species in this generation years ago and its eventual completion. That then leads to the festivities of the incoming Johto edition of Pokémon Go Tour and the concurrent Johto Cup for the Go Battle League. The excitement of the latter has to be able to hold the tide until it surges with the former.

Three years ago: Don't Forget Our Roots
Five years ago: Memories of Johto

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