Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine's Day 2022: Within Attraction

Over the past few years that I've started this blog, my coverage of Valentine's Day and Pokémon has "evolved" in a sort of way (see below for past years). It has and always will be a day of love and relationships, which to a certain extent may also be considered as "attractions". With current conditions still persisting, there have been some happenings that are related to those conditions; it seems some of them might be described as "attractions", and that is why I've subtitled this year's post accordingly.

The subtitle actually takes after one of the musical pieces of Yanni - an artist I like and have several times mentioned on this blog - with the same title, and it may be construed as a piece of mixed emotions. This is particularly evident with its live versions, which feature solos of drums and/or violins in very expressive ways. They might indicate happiness due to being able to link with certain things, or they might indicate sadness due to not being able to reach certain things even if one had gotten close to them. Even so, with all things considered, it might be mostly representative of the former rather than the latter. Yanni himself offers a particular comment on and interpretation of the piece:
Life is full of Attractions! I have vowed to play with as many of them as possible closely... without getting lost!
Certainly, considering the scope of this blog, my "attraction" is Pokémon. With Yanni's comment as above, my intent is to involve myself in as many Pokémon things as possible, and the method is to do so without me becoming stuck or misplaced among all the many possible "attractions". At the same time, though, different "attractions" might provide a way out of others, such as a Unite battle when I'm stuck in a PvP rut, or a stage of Shuffle when other things just don't make sense. In this way, I am always "within attraction" and can make it from one to another and so on.

What happened with my real-life happenings the other day could be considered as different parties getting "lost" in different attractions. I was lost in the expected morning happening that unfortunately couldn't happen, the theme event was lost in its own attraction of delusional success, and we all may still be lost in the attraction that current conditions may pass sooner than later. While I can't say much for the theme event, which has to be considered of possessing issues beyond "attraction", at least I should be able to use my "attraction" for Pokémon to get in and out of things as needed and not to become misguided - that is, "lost" by any of those things.

It's been two years of odd circumstances for Valentine's Day, some of which might not leave too much room for "attraction" in both romantic and non-romantic senses. But as Yanni said, attractions are all over life, and if one is wise enough, one may hop from one to another while maintaining one's way. I'm sure that today some will have that for romance, while others like me might have them for Pokémon - with the lucky few having both.

Stay attracted but stay guided, and Happy Valentine's Day.

Five years ago: It's Valentine's Day!

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