Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The 2022 Pokémon Anniversary Week

Through a song about the progression of shows (things), I've noted that in a week, the progression of the Pokémon anniversary will be heading into a new one. As that happens, there couldn't be a better time than now to get things going through various aspects of Pokémon, and so this week becomes the "Anniversary Week" for it this year. Each day of the week is to involve pleasantries of particular aspects, with everything climaxing on the big day - Pokémon Day - on Sunday. It becomes evidently festive in that regard.

As the ultimate day is Sunday, the week actually began yesterday, and yesterday, Pokémon Masters EX stepped up to the plate with the announcement of a new Sync Pair, May and Latias. Today, it was the turn of the Sword and Shield games, with the announcement of Max Raid Battles featuring the fully evolved forms of the Kanto starters in a distinctly maxed-out form. Some of my fellow players have noted that these announcements haven't been too weighty, even though they are distinctly special; that may be fine, given that Pokémon itself as a whole is the big thing rather than the individual games.

Coming down the pipeline for the rest of the week are Pokémon Café (Re)Mix, Pokémon Unite, P25 Music, and Pokémon Go in that order, before the ultimate wrap-up with Pokémon Day. Some of these can already be identified, as P25 Music has its sweepstakes that I mentioned, and Pokémon Go has its Pokémon Go Tour, although as with the announcement above, there are likely to be more things in store for each of these related aspects. Pokémon Unite and Pokémon Go may be the ones that are eagerly awaited due to their activity, but any (all-round) fan will eagerly await the one for Pokémon Day.

Festivity is a must for any anniversary, and the "Anniversary Week" this year for that of Pokémon is an accumulation of the aspects that have made it special in recent memory. Of course, it can't be forgotten that Pokémon itself had already come off of an already very special anniversary last year, so what follows in the footsteps of that has to be sufficiently great; it doesn't have to measure up to the actual scale of last year due to this year being an ordinary number, but at least it would also show that the celebration indeed goes on.

Five years ago: Back in the Park

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