Saturday, February 26, 2022

Tenth Cosplay Anniversary - Still Patient

There's a song out there about the remanent qualities of certain things, even after they have seemingly disappeared. One part of its title is "still", which is in line with the above theme. "Remanent" seems to be rather applicable to patience, specifically the patience for me to be able to get cosplay effectively going again, and thus I've opted to discuss the theme, with the aid of the song, for this year's personal cosplay anniversary - which happens to be the tenth, a round number and a full decade.

Ten years is a long time, and a lot has happened in that time, from the early limited years to the lively later years, and now in the "pause" period due to current conditions. This last bit is where patience comes in, as it would surely take time before cosplay can return to the way things were; most people seem to understand that, the exception being the people behind the failure of a theme event a while ago, for whom impatience is part of a greater problem. Through all that's happened, I'd say that I'm still patient in some ways.

In regard to the song, the remanent qualities are also related to attraction, which may or may not involve romance but definitely does involve attachment. I would say that for me, there is still some attachment to cosplay and in particular Pokémon cosplay as the way I express my attachment with Pokémon. In that sense, I have a hard time of letting it go, as it makes sense within my Pokémon framework. It just has to wait a little - or maybe a lot - and patience would have to be involved in this.

Incidentally, I've noted in my initial presentation of Pokémon Go Tour that today is that day, but since my Pokémon cosplay history is longer than even Pokémon Go itself, it has to be relegated for that very reason. But eventually the write-up will come soon; all it takes is, again, patience. Slightly regrettably, "patience" might also describe the state of affairs by my experience) with this edition of the event, but again, that will take a bit of patience at this point as I compose myself and other posts in the meantime.

How much longer I have to wait before I can present myself and my Pokémon attachment through cosplay as it once was is not known for sure, but all that I know is that it requires patience. I need the patience to maintain my composure, and everyone needs the patience for this to be realized feasibly. All I can say is that I am still attached to Pokémon and cosplay, as something that can't be taken away... and somewhere inside I'm still patient.

Happy tenth cosplay anniversary to me.

Five years ago: Fifth Cosplay Anniversary

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