Tuesday, February 15, 2022

NADWPKMN - The Video Series: Episode #2 - Why YouTube?

I've already discussed the first video that I had uploaded on the YouTube channel that now accompanies this blog, and now after a gap of some days, it's time to discuss the second one, which I uploaded as I declared my channel open. It's also the next in line for the regular series of videos on the channel, for which there will surely be more. Likewise, the video is embedded below for convenience of viewing, whether for the first time or again.

This one is titled "Why YouTube?", and thus the topic is obvious: it explains why I've (finally) gotten around to starting a channel there and uploading videos. The video explains the key reasons - possibly among others - for doing that, and I even include references to a couple of YouTube personalities who definitely have some relations to me, this blog, and certainly Pokémon. It also slightly demonstrates the possibilities of what can and should be able to happen in later episodes.

Unlike the first episode, I shot this one indoors in my room with my PC's webcam instead of my phone, and split it into several takes. The last one is the most significant, as I didn't mention it in the video; I actually intended for another "one-take", but it kept falling apart at different points. There was no way I could keep it as one take, and so I shot the video as several takes that were then tied together in the editing process. Future videos might involve shots with different takes anyway, so it had to happen.

As for why I staggered this write-up instead of putting it directly back-to-back, it goes back to my mention in the first video that videos take time to make, more so than blog posts. Therefore, the gap is intended to highlight and affirm that situation, which will always be the case with me preparing everything myself. There's still the possibility that things may change for that last part, but that's not for me to say at the moment.

With two episodes, obviously the next will be the third. For that too, I cannot say when at the moment, except that I've already planned things out. This second episode of the regular series may at least satisfy things somewhat while reading up on happenings on this blog over the past five years or so. When the time comes, it will be a sight to see, especially after much reading of this blog.

Two years ago: Words of the Heart
Four years ago: A Break in the Action

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