Wednesday, February 16, 2022

On Tap for the NADWPKMN YouTube Channel

When I posted about opening the YouTube channel for this blog, I had noted some of the future plans that I might have for the channel. After having discussed the first two videos that I uploaded on the channel, I thought it would also be wise to expand on those future plans as well, especially what I'd need to do to achieve those plans. They would then constitute what's "on tap" for this YouTube channel as well as the things that are involved for them. 

Earlier, I noted that the channel is still rudimentary, and that's because there are a few things missing that I'd eventually like to add, like custom thumbnails and a shorter link. The former is easy, as I'd need to verify myself further, but the latter isn't, as that can only come with further development of the channel. Further, the former also leads to the prospect (and issue) of certain "money matters", which may need to be discussed separately. I consider both of these as being helpful, and I'd have to undertake them sooner or later.

Naturally, expanding the channel means expanding the equipment for presenting Pokémon things and experiences on video. That would mean not only games and consoles themselves, but also recording devices, especially for streaming games and displaying them. I can only go so far with the equipment that I have - though it may be quite far indeed - and to go even farther, that would take quite a bit of special equipment. It may be that they can expand my blogging reach as well in addition to video.

Speaking of additions, if I were to make more content frequently that is not related to live videos or streaming, I may need to get someone to help out to shoot videos and edit them. The first two episodes were completely shot and edited by me, even with the constraints that I had with them. Those same constraints may or may not allow for much progress in either action (evidently with the second video), so someone that can assist with these two actions will likely be needed, and that is something to consider.

The YouTube channel for this blog has only started with the first two videos, and that can only mean that there will be more to come - and there should be. To get there, however, also appears to mean to make ways for expansion on different fronts in addition to the content and related topics themselves. Much seems to be on tap for both, especially when tied to something as grand as Pokémon.

Three years ago: Romancing the Ball

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