Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A Leftover Pokémon Promo?

Pokémon is very popular around the world; its fans are likely to snap up anything and everything that is offered to them, including through promotions. However, it may be that some Pokémon things that are offered, even through the means above, may constitute things that are left over. That would mean that fans didn't snap up those particular things as much as what would have been expected during the prime period when the things are offered. This sounds rather implausible given the popularity as above, but it might just happen in certain circumstances.

For example, there is the TCG. Regardless of edition, items for the TCG (starter deck, booster packs, and the like) are continuously updated, so certain old items are going to become outdated - though likely not obsolete, at least until a certain point in time - as new items are released. In such a situation, it may be possible that some old items may not have sold as well as expected, and there would be leftovers of those items. At that point, those old items would still need to be distributed somehow, preferably in a way that is still beneficial to all parties, which may or may not be a challenge indeed.

That seems to be what happened with the local TCG. Some of the older Sun & Moon series booster packs may not have sold all that well, so they seem to have ended up becoming promotional items for a kids meal of a well-known Japanese fast food chain, which in the past also hosted gacha machines that may have also had Pokémon merchandise. And yet, it may not necessarily be kids that purchase the meal in order to get one's hands at the cards, even for those who still need them. There may still be some value to be had by different people, including me.

A friend suggested that we order out, and we chose that very fast food place. I took the opportunity to order the meal, and indeed the meal came with the cards, and it also came with this sizable flyer full of local promotional content. The front side is as seen here; the back side (not seen) contains mostly content related to the TCG, which should pertain to whom the content pertains. What's important to note is that the front side also features Pokémon Unite and anime content, which means that it is all-inclusive beyond the TCG, yet that still remains the primary thing.

It may be considered inevitable that any marketed item, including Pokémon things, has the chance of having (more than) a sizable quantity left over, and one specific issue becomes how to get them out to the ones who would like or even need them. The result might be something like the above, with an unconventional method of distribution to say the least. Though, leftover or not, the promotion effort should be totally appreciated, as is the item in question. The goods get distributed, the fans get something neat, and everyone is happy; that ought to be a win-win solution.

Two years ago: Memories and Mnemonics
Three years ago: Pokémon Clocks

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