Thursday, February 17, 2022

Follow-up Pokémon Happenings

I often cover (possible) neat and/or phenomenal Pokémon happenings on this blog without intent of following them up, as in to cover them again particularly with new related happenings. Recently, though, a few of those old happenings have had something new related to them, and I just had to update and follow up on them. I've also decided to put them all conveniently in one post to fulfill the follow-up theme and because they're mostly insufficient for full write-ups anyway.

Last year, the "Master the Ball" campaign for kids' futsal by Pokémon and the England FA unfolded, complemented by a few games featuring the players and some words from the country's soccer coach himself. Recently, that same coach also checked out how that campaign is realized in a particular primary school as a surprise guest, to find out how the students and teachers are receptive of the campaign and all its neat perks. The results can be seen in a YouTube video that shows off the action. As for the campaign itself, which includes a tournament of the sport in question, it's in full swing and will climax to finals in June, followed by another season in September. It seems to be popular and quite successful.

Just a few months ago, I posited the idea of having Pokémon music on vinyl, along with the rationale, musical material, and process for that. Happily, that has been realized: a week and a half ago, I received word that the songs of the P25 Music program have been put on vinyl records, which are to be given to some lucky winners as part of a sweepstakes that ends at the end of this month, at the same time as the next Pokémon anniversary. Unlike the vinyl records for the other series I mentioned, the music for this one isn't exactly a throwback - it's more forward-thinking - but the exclusive (by a giveaway) and commemorative (for the anniversary) qualities of the vinyl records are quite evident in this case, and those who might stand a chance and desire as such to get them ought to enter to try to obtain this retro novelty.

Meanwhile, Pokémon Legends: Arceus is still fresh on the minds of most fans, with them having obtained the game or at least planning to. For those who are still not convinced to get the game, maybe a little humor might help for that, and that comes in the form of a few promotional advertisements. These advertisements were released over the past few days, and the humor part of them is that they parody certain kinds of TV programs (including cooking shows and telenovelas) with a Pokémon twist and the tagline "...But Not as You Know It!", in reference to the fact that PLA is quite different from the staple main series games. If the game itself doesn't get its message across, maybe the humorous ads will.

Every Pokémon happening is neat, certainly - even ones that are just plain conjectured for possibility - but what's even more neat is if they can be expanded by a follow-up that really makes them come or brings them to life, as in the case of the above. It may be well-deserved for any fan to keep tabs on even the most remote of happenings, as they can suddenly be expanded as above with something that is truly incredible. For this Pokémon blogger, that's really a sight to see.

One year ago: Gym Takedown Habits
Two years ago: Delayed Costumes
Five years ago: The Park Is Open

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