Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Good Builds for Unite?

When those who play Pokémon Unite talk about "builds" for the Pokémon they use, the discussion mostly revolves around the held items that the Pokémon possess to amplify their skills in battle. Since there are many Pokémon by now - more from its paltry beginnings and surely even more to come - the discussion is likely to be an open-ended one, with different builds for different Pokémon. Even so, some multipurpose builds may still stand to be conceived, and they could be the solution to a good build.

Fervent player POKENITE BUNNY, whose YouTube channel I highlighted around a month ago, has provided such a solution, in the form of an "universal build". The three held items in this build are Focus Band, Score Shield, and Buddy Barrier, each certainly upgraded to the maximum level of 30. Of these, the latter two are perennial favorites of many players due to their effects in protecting the most crucial action and/or a fellow teammate. The most debatable item is then the Focus Band, but the others also have their share of debates.

Some have suggested that the Score Shield be replaced instead with the Muscle Band, which would benefit those who primarily attack rather than score. Else, the Focus Band may be replaced with the Attack Weight or Razor Claw for Pokémon with high impact and high versatility for both scoring and attacking. Choice Specs might also become a choice (ahem) for those who really desire to focus on attacking and to keep scoring to a bare minimum.

The "universal build" thus certainly may have its place, though it may not be preferred for those who have certain Pokémon and/or roles as "mains". It's a good build nonetheless for specific Pokémon, which has to be agreed upon. Yet so may be any of the suggestions that have been posed as above, being perfectly applicable to a number of commonly played Pokémon. Possible experimentation may be imminent, starting with the above as a basis.

As an attempt at a multipurpose build, the "universal build" above certainly would fit as one amidst a myriad of possibilities. It could become the build that many would utilize as is or modify for different Pokémon or purposes, especially as more changes (Pokémon additions) become imminent. As such, the discussion continues to revolve while players determine the builds that are best for them, their Pokémon, and their game.

Three years ago: Let's Go Take Pictures
Four years ago: Community Days!

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