Saturday, February 19, 2022

(Possible?) Community Day Concepts

Last month's Community Day Classic was a phenomenal and unique addition to the range of possibilities that the event has realized. It becomes evident that the event may be and in fact is receptive to different editions with no change or at the least very little. With time, other different and possible editions based on several concepts could be realized. To that end, it may be worth it to discuss possible concepts for different editions of the event while still attempting to follow patterns that have been established.

One of those possibilities is a "regional" edition of the event, not in terms of real-world geography, but in terms of Pokémon forms. While this seems rather obvious, in the past four years of the event, no edition has been able to implement this possibility, except as a proposal that was once put on the table and hasn't been addressed since. A species like Geodude - which incidentally has not been featured - can possibly have a double Community Day within a month, one for its Kanto form and another for its Alolan form. Or, for a more radical twist, Exeggcute for example can be featured, and its evolution can be different hourly, similar to how Incense Day works. The possibilities are intriguing and diverse, though could be difficult to implement. Yet, this kind of edition is quite likely with the growing number of regional forms of Pokémon species.

Traditionally, the final Community Day of the year is a recap edition of all editions in the year along with support for legacy editions of the previous year. However, a novel possibility could be to have a "mid-year recap" as an extra edition in June to ease the pressure of the end-of-year recap and the waiting time to get to the recap edition if somehow a Trainer missed a previous edition during the early part of the year. It could very well become the June edition instead, also to ease the pressure of establishing new editions of Community Day. Even so, if such were to be implemented, the recap editions would have to be harmonized in some way, and this could be a difficult matter, though surely possible.

Something that could be controversial is to implement a "full-day" edition of Community Day, perhaps for a repeat Classic edition. It is true that the intent of Community Day is to be able gather Trainers at a specified midday time, and this should be maintained (such as by increasing Pokémon appearances greatly during that specified time), but what could be interesting is to expand Pokémon appearances and the move window for an entire day. This may very well have to be as a test first, and per its controversial nature, many would have their views; it may still be a possibility to consider.

Community Day is actually a very special event, and surely many Trainers in Pokémon Go would agree. They would also agree that its special quality also goes to the many editions by which the event can be realized. It seems that it might not hurt to try to add even more editions, three of which have been placed as a conjecture above. Further realization of those editions and possibly more would and should augment its special quality even further.

Five years ago: Let's Get Ready to Rumble

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