Sunday, February 13, 2022

Let's Talk About All the Right Things

Me: First of all, I want to say that I had something different planned for today, and it does involve a conversation with the four of us.

Goh: Including me?

Me: Including you, Goh, even though this primarily involves (or was to involve) Ash.

Ash: I think I know what this could be, but I'll save it for when you bring it up.

Pikachu: Pi, pika. ["Me too."]

Me: OK, so today we're talking about doing the right things. It can sometimes be a hard thing to do.

Goh: Oh! I know - it's like that time when I captured Suicune to rescue it from the poachers. It was a little difficult, and I didn't have to, but it was the right thing.

Me: Yeah! It's like that. But you did also heal it and get it to trust you, and that's even more of a right thing.

Goh: I know! But that was definitely hard.

Ash: I think it's great how Goh was able to do that. The chance to deal with a Legendary Pokémon like that doesn't come often.

Goh: And we got rid of the poachers! How's that for two?

Ash: That's real amazing!

Pikachu: Pika, pi pika. ["Yeah, it was."]

Me: Ash, you also helped to take care of a red Gyarados operation in Johto, right?

Goh: A red Gyarados??

Ash: Yeah, it was this big, like you wouldn't believe. It was this big angry thing. My friends and I also had Lance to help out. In the end, we really needed to do it - if not, there would be big trouble everywhere. It was a bit hard, but we did it.

Goh: I probably would do the same.

Me: That would definitely be an instance of doing the right thing; otherwise it's just a mess. Speaking of a mess, recently I found a theme event where I could send Ash, but then I received many reports that it doesn't seem to be prepared properly.

Goh: That doesn't sound good - it doesn't sound right either!

Me: The worst part is that it's supposed to be today, and today isn't a really good time - I mean, not right - with all the stuff around my world.

Ash: Wait! This is supposed to be happening near where you live!

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["It's really close!"]

Me: What can you scout about it?

Ash: It looks like a normal theme event. This is definitely not good now. Oh, I see Officer Jenny and other officers, and... man, there it goes. It's like half a year ago, but worse.

Goh: As I've said, it isn't right.

Me: At least the police are right in getting things under control; it's difficult, but it had to be done. How right they can make things after they weren't right in the first place is another matter. It just wasn't right for us or anyone.

Pikachu: Pi-ka-chu. ["Just not right."]

Me: The theme event is not destined for us. Even so, I was hoping to do something else with you, Ash, with the aid of a friend and possibly a character friend this morning, but this didn't go right before it could happen.

Ash: Aw man! And it was such a good morning too for it.

Goh: What were you thinking about doing with Ash?

Me: It's very special, so I can't say much more for now. And I know it's hard to take in, but we'll persevere. Let's not talk about it - and the theme event - any further. But you know, there is something that's always right for us, and that's Pokémon.

Ash: Yeah, I hear you!

Goh: When it's right, it's right, and if it isn't, we can make it right, no matter how hard.

Pikachu: Pika, pika pika! ["We'll make it right!"]

Me: Hopefully, eventually, we can do that for theme events, but that will need the right time. In the meantime, there's always an opportunity for us to do the right things, especially when Pokémon is involved.

One year ago: The Love Cup of GBL
Two years ago: What to Nominate
Three years ago: Cryptic Pokémon
Four years ago: Two Games at Once?

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