Wednesday, February 2, 2022

NADWPKMN - The Video Series: Episode #1 - An Introduction

Since I've formally opened the YouTube channel that is connected to this blog, it would be wise to discuss the very first video I uploaded on the channel, and that would also be the first of what I deem as the "regular series" of video episodes. I've embedded the video below for easy reference, and for one to watch if one hasn't already done so.

This first video is titled "An Introduction", because that's what it is. It tells a little bit about myself, my blog, and how Pokémon is linked to me. It can be described as essentially being the very first post on this blog - in addition to elements from other posts - but in video form. I also promote my blog rather heavily in this video, as the primary way I express my Pokémon experiences. Some of those experiences might also make it to future videos as well.

Uniquely, I took this video with a "one-take" approach, which worked out OK for this video but also resulted in significant pauses between certain sections, even after having detailed an outline beforehand of what I wanted to say. For an initial video, it is still of a good length with four and a half minutes or so, and future episodes will be of a similar length or more, just like how posts on this blog grew longer with time.

If in the video I promote reading my blog, which is likely what a reader is doing right now no matter where one comes from, here I can also promote viewing the YouTube channel for those who are reading. The two can and should go hand in hand, and they become a part of my Pokémon journey that as of now also takes a new turn with YouTube.

Two years ago: Total Experience
Three years ago: Legends Among People
Five years ago: Pokkén Sentiments

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