Sunday, January 15, 2023

Tournament: Trainers' Sparring Battleground Ember Cup

The tournament scene continues for me with this one for the current themed cup of the Silph Arena. This one, though, is a little bit different: it's one held by a group of Trainers who span a few different places, including that of my raid group. Since the focus is (mostly) on PvP, the group is appropriately called a "sparring battleground" - and that's all I can say, since the original group name "goes off the deep end", so to speak. That is regardless a digression, so there is this tournament to discuss.

Because the Trainers in the group are in different places, a remote tournament with the usual Swiss system is necessary regardless. Thankfully, there were enough Trainers for the tournament to proceed as such, 19 in all as it started and none dropping out for any reason all the way to the end. Like an earlier Great League tournament, the format was one-round-one-day, with the final round (the fifth of five) having started at 9 PM last night and ended at the same time tonight. All coordination was made through group chat or private messages.

Likewise, the same strict "no-show" rules applied from before, randomly drawing two Trainers who don't show up for a win, or awarding a win to the only one of the two who shows up. Both of these had to be conducted once in the last two rounds of the tournament. As well, one match also raised a dispute and had to be resolved by the tournament staff, creating results that may or may not be favorable for at least one Trainer. Other than that, the tournament proceeded well for the most part...

...except for me. In the first four rounds, I was shut out in the first and only stole one win in the remaining ones. Because of the odd number of participants, I got the "bye" win in the last round, which might be considered to be insufficient consolation in some ways. This is obviously in stark contrast to the previous tournament in which I participated, where I had the best results. Also, it seems that all kinds of the classic problems I faced (over/under-prediction, suboptimal moves, and others) returned for this one, and they come back to haunt me.

Regarding results, this tournament produced a single winner, someone who happens to be a top contender in the country; the "final" match also pitted two Trainers from the same region. I'm also happy to report that a friend of mine, who placed second in the previous tournament, also placed second in this tournament here, though it could have been better in a different way had something unexpected did not occur. As for me, I was saved from the very bottom by virtue of the three battle wins, but second from the bottom is still disappointing.

Interestingly, a few tournament participants had an in-person tournament yesterday, so that became a matter of convenience for tackling on two on-going tournaments. I myself thought that would be the case for me, as there was another tournament scheduled for today, but in the end it wasn't promising in appearance - and effort to get there - and I decided not to go, preferring to take on other errands instead. Whatever will help boost my Silph Arena rank this season will most likely have to come at another (more convenient) time.

After two tournaments for this month's themed cup, along with past performances, it seems that I've been able to determine myself as being "hot" in some ways and "not" in other ways. One of those is that I seem to sizzle in live (in-person) tournaments and fizzle in remote ones, while the qualities seem to vary wildly with the teams I procure for different tournaments and how I deal with them. Further tournaments might demand me to seek solutions to both of these problems whilst I continue my efforts in the current Silph Arena season.

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